Suddenly Ace knew exactly why they were in here. It'd be a wonderful gift for Luffy, for him to be able to know where his brothers were even when they departed for their own adventures. As well as letting the brothers know where Luffy was.

"Well i do have that, when my husband went to sabaody he bought a bunch of them" the women replied after recovering from shock.

"Mhm how much would it be for two full sheets?" Sabo asked.

"It's seventy thousand Belly a piece now." She said.

Sabo and Ace breathed a sigh of relief. They had brought two hundred thousand Belly with them, not really understanding pricing. So, they'd have one hundred thousand left over to buy Luffy other presents, because Luffy deserved to be spoiled. So Sabo handed over the hundred thousand Belly she needed. The woman then produced a pair of nail clippers and gestured for them to hold out a hand. They did so and the woman clipped off a finger nail from each of them.

"Alright, come back in an hour and it should be done." The woman said.

The two boys nodded and made their way out of the store to spend their free time before they needed to get their Vivre Cards. They then started to look around for other places to buy other presents for Luffy. They ended up finding a Jewelry Shop where they got a silver locket and had it engraved with 'ASL Forever' on the back for thirty-five thousand Belly. Sabo told Ace that they'd get a picture for it later.

Thankfully by the time that they finished buying everything it had been an hour so they made their way back to the Paper Shop. There the woman presented them with two pure white sheets of paper that seemed to radiate energy.

"Here you go, two Vivre Cards. One attached to each of you. Hope your little brother enjoys the gift." The woman said, shocking the two.

"How did you know it was for our little brother." Ace asked, a bit suspicious, causing the woman to laugh.

"Oh enough with that. You mentioned a Luffy earlier and nine times out of ten the people who are buying Vivre Cards are getting them for their younger siblings or someone similar." She said.

"How do you know that we're not the one time out of ten?" Ace asked.

"Are you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No." Ace muttered, blushing.

Sabo quickly dragged Ace out of the store before he could embarrass himself even further. The woman thanked them for their business as they left. They then made their way back to the ship, hiding their gifts in their bags. They  made their ways to the kitchen where they expected Thatch to be and Thatch was in the kitchen with his assistants seemingly preparing the cake for the party in the evening. The man let his assistants continue as he walked over to the two.

"Did you get your gifts?" Thatch asked.

"Yeah but we need stuff to wrap it in." Ace said.

"Hmm, two medium sized rectangular boxes, a small box and uh a roll of wrapping paper." Sabo said, thinking about the gifts they got him.

Thatch seemed to think for a second before speaking.

"Hm, then you'll need to go see Izo. He'll more than likely have the items you're looking for. He has a surplus after his shopping spree from last Christmas." Thatch said.

The two boys thanked him and made their way to the infirmary to check for Izo. On the door to the infirmary was a note telling them if they needed him he'd be in his room.

They knocked on the door and were told to come in. Izo was there at his desk working on a large banner that read 'Happy Birthday Luffy!'. It was in really nice handwriting and the designs that Izo was working on were really cool. The crossdresser looked up and smiled when he saw them.

"So, I'm assuming you got your gifts for the birthday boy?" Izo asked, the boys nodding.

"We're here for some items so we can wrap them." Ace said before repeating what Sabo said they needed.

"Mhm, I should have all that and how long and wide do you need the medium boxes?" Izo asked.

Sabo gave the man the size that the Vivre Cards were for the medium boxes, not telling the man what exactly they were wrapping. Izo then gave them the boxes, a roll of wrapping paper that was sea blue and had tiny ships all over it, as well as a thing of tape.

"Can't forget the tape." Izo said.

They nodded and then let Izo get back to his work.

To be continued...

(This is where our chapter ends, thankyou for reading and voting on my story)

Ace,luffy and whitebeard pirates ✿✯Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora