"Why not?" James questioned, his leg bobbing excitedly, as he waited rather impatiently so he could open his presents.

"Cause it's mean," Hallie whined, chucking a pillow in his direction, that hit him square on the face. Sirius laughed at this, causing James to whack him round the head with it. "She thinks you're serious, you know. She asked me in the summer whether I thought she was going mental."

"Well she is a little bit..." James began, before he shied away, upon seeing Hallie's disheartening glare. "Hallie come on. She's a raving loony! She served us underwear from the washing machine for dinner the other night!"

"But she's bloody cute, so it doesn't matter," Hallie argued, accepting a cup of coffee from Remus gratefully. "You didn't expect her to be young forever, did you?"

Well obviously not! But I atleast thought she'd know the difference between mine and my mothers underwear," James shuddered incoherently. "Does she really think I have c-cups?" James added, looking down towards his tits.

"Nah darling, you have raging A's," Hallie added with a smirk.

"What and you don't?" 

"What are we talking about?" Remus asked, casting his eyes between the two wearily as he entered the room once more.

"Their boob sizes apparently," Sirius added, sitting down beside Hallie who was muttering curse words under her breath. "Blondie over here isn't taking it too well..."

"I'm hardly an A!" Hallie exclaimed, no longer able to keep her comments to herself. "I'm at least a solid B. If not a C!"

"B stands for barely boobs," Sirius cackled in laughter, as James sniggered from opposite them.

Hallie, deciding there was only one logical way to solve her self-deprecating worth, decided to slap someone. That someone being the boy to her left.

James' jaw dropped to the floor, as Hallie's hand skimmed Sirius' cheek. James immediately sat himself up on the sofa, in case he needed to make a mad dash on exit to avoid the violence.

Sirius had turned to look at Hallie, though Hallie had only just noticed how close their faces had become in proximity. The tension was tremendous, as the boy looked completely lost for words. He looked down towards her callously.

She immediately cast her eyes away in annoyance for even beginning to enjoy his intimidation stance.

Sirius however, kept his eyes glued to the girl beside him - the only thoughts running through his head were on how fucking attractive her slapping him was.

"Good morning," Marie announced, as she waltzed into the living room. Hallie shuffled further up the sofa and away from Sirius, before she stopped in her tracks, observing her step mother with a groan.

Hallie cast her eyes back over towards Sirius, who seemed to be examining her too carefully for her liking.

"Absolutely not!" Hallie demanded, pointing to the doorway in adamancy. "Go put on some proper clothes."

Marie looked at the girl in confusion. "I'm wearing my bathrobe...like I always do."

The girl scoffed, Marie's cluelessness infuriating Hallie further. "Yes and right now you're probably wearing only that. Go change!"

Marie laughed wholeheartedly, unaware of the gaping black haired boy, whom Hallie tried, in feeble attempts, to block out of her peripheral vision. "The bathrobes not transparent."

"You can wear it when we're not in the presence of three teenage boys. Now for the last time, go fucking change," she whispered angrily.

"Your lucky I'm not going to tell your Father the way you just spoke to me, you fucking brat," she hissed, slightly louder than she anticipated. "N'ose pas essayer et me dire quoi faire. Tu m'entends?" [Don't you dare try and tell me what to do. You hear me?]

Troubled Love║Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now