"..." They both share a moments silence, staring at each other.

"WHAT?! ME? REGINA OF ALL WATERS, KINDREDS, PEOPLES AND LAWS, JOINING YOU?!" Furina shrieks, but Neuvillette only remains unphased.

"Yes, and we are leaving later tonight." He adds, and chaos ensues with more complaints arising, as he's pushed out of the room.


It would be surprising to anyone of course, being scammed into waking up, finding out their most closest associate and familiar figure is leaving to another country, and you were going with them that very same day after waking up does that to people. But Furina especially, THE Furina de Fontaine, Focalor, and Biggest celebrity of Fontaine itself, leaving so abruptly. The only thing softening this revelation was the comforting presence of Neuvillette during it all.

After that commotion, she finally had the willpower to get dressed and head for morning tea, good gracious, she had nearly missed it after the crisis. Morning tea, it was always the most quiet and peaceful time of day, with Mademoiselle Crabaletta, Surintendante Chevalmarin, and Gentilhomme Usher accompanying her.

Neuvillette must of asked the patisseries to make something nicer than usual too, because on the 3-tiered cake tray that stood tall and proud in front of her, had an impressive array of treats scattered on it. It ranged from Madeleines, to Eclairs, Scones and even Macarons, to pair with her fresh mint tea. It was nice.

Nice... Peaceful, calm, as opposed to the loud, thundering claps and shrieks from crowds as she simply walks down the Main Street or perform onstage.


"Ughh... Paperwork. Why must I do any paperwork when I could hand it off to Neuvillette? To add to that, I could just make him write the letters too since he's the one who caused this whole situation!" A genius thought for herself of course, yet she could only feel a small amount of guilt piling up in her heart.

"*knock knock knock*" She supposed it would simply have to be a fleeting thought for later, as she heard three faint knocks on the large doors of her office, now who could that be?

"Lady Furina, are you in there?" Ah, it was Neuvillette! What news could be delivered this time? Hopefully something less that unappealing, "I have more news regarding our trip to Japan."

"Ah! I'm in here, please come in. What is it that you so desperately need?" She asks, her attention being directed to the owner of the voice who comes in."Hurry up please! I'm a very busy woman, as you most definitely should know by now!"

"Yes, I do see the value of your endeavours, however as you and I both know, you should of headed to a hero school soon. But, as this has been disrupted by the occurrence of heading to Japan by the Heroes Association's Orders, you have taken a place in UA's class 1A." He voiced, of course as these changes were so sudden, he couldn't help but pity the girl.

"Ohoho! Of course, of course! After all, the world just mustn't go without me becoming a valiant protector of all!" She vocalised, confident and proud, "Class 1A and nothing any lower!"

"Therefore... we must leave earlier than intended to set things up in the lodging we will be staying in. Not to mention the papers we still need to write detailing our departure." There it was, the bad news Furina knew to expect but wanted to avoid.

"HHHHHhhhhhh...Seriously?" A long drawn out groan of exhaustion and complaining, "I don't want to do any paperwork! Why must we leave anyways? What's so important about this mission?!"

"That's... classified." A short and blunt reply, was Neuvillette already tired of her?


The relaxing and quite frank tranquil sound of white noise, they were on a reserved private jet and it'd take 12 hours before they got there. Of course, it had to be as luxurious as possible for Furina as always. But between the soothing white noise, the clouds, and the evening night sky that's scattered with endless stars outside the windows, it made her drowsy once again.

Neuvillette was asleep, or as she assumes, so she was free to daydream all she wanted to.

That so called prophesy. She could avoid it all she wanted to but she knew better, it was true wasn't it? The people, mortals, humans. They would all be-

"Furina, what are you doing awake?" Ah, she must of muttered off, "It's quite late isn't it? You should rest for tomorrow."

He's worrying again, but well, she supposed he's right. She should sleep for the rest of the night.


~ Chanson of Many Waters ~Where stories live. Discover now