Something Diverting

Start from the beginning

"State your business here, civilians," One of the men said with a harsh, condescending edge to his voice. "This is a military installation."

"We're not looking to cause any trouble," Sturges said quickly, stepping forward and waving a hand dismissively. "I know I might look like a bruiser, but I try to avoid violence myself, and we don't want any trouble. We're just passing through."

"As he said," Preston said extending his hand towards the man who simply stared at him in disgust. "I'm Preston Garvey, Commonwealth Minutemen. This here's Sturges, Derek, and –"

"BR-109KC?" The other man in power armour said, looking at Derek, almost as surprised as he was hearing at the man address him that way. "My apologies for Knight Rhys' tone, Knight Captain," The man said, sending the first man a sharp look. "I was given to understand you were no longer on the list of our Brothers and Sisters in the Commonwealth."

"I informed Elder Maxson I would not be rejoining, not that I would leave the Commonwealth," Derek replied. "My family and I have quite the good life, settled here, and I'm not going to stop serving the people of the Commonwealth as one of the Minutemen just because the Brotherhood are here now."

"So you're choosing to be part of a group of...civilian peacekeepers instead of returning to duty?" Knight Rhys said, disgusted. "You're either with the Brotherhood or you're against us. Why would –"

"Knight Rhys, that's enough. Return to your security patrol," The other man in power armour ordered. When Rhys nodded, albeit walking off with a suspicious look at the Minutemen, he and the woman turned back to them. "Apologies for Knight Rhys' tone. Our mission in the Commonwealth had been far from smooth until the arrival of the Prydwen."

"You guys sure know how to make an entrance, no doubt about that," Preston remarked. "I just hope the Commonwealth doesn't get caught in the crossfire of whatever your plans are here."

"Don't worry...Garvey, you said?" The man in power armour said with faint, smug smile. "There shouldn't be a problem for you, as long as you and your Minutemen don't get in our way. From what I understand of you, your cause is noble. But you remind me of the Brotherhood when Elder Lyons was in charge...unfocused and far too charitable for your own good."

"Elder Lyons may not have executed his ideals perfectly, but he was focused on ensuring the safety of the people of the Capital Wasteland before the gains of the Brotherhood," Derek said, his eyes narrowing behind his glasses. "If the Brotherhood want to help the people of the Commonwealth, then the first thing you need to do is earn their trust."

"We will, but they don't realise the Brotherhood is the Commonwealth's last hope for survival. I wish everyone here believed in our cause, but they've been blinded by rumours and misinformation," The man said, pointedly looking at Preston. "I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Paladin Danse, and, beside me here, is Scribe Haylen. Our team has been in the Commonwealth for several months, and the one thing we've come to know for certain is the necessity of our mission."

"And what's your mission, then?" Preston said, surprised by his own boldness. "Because knowing that might ease the fears some folks have about your being here."

"Understandable," Danse said, a mildly menacing smile dawning on his face. "We're here to put an end to the Institute and their any means necessary."


Railroad Headquarters
July the 10th, 2288

" did things go at University Point?"

Rarely a nervous man, the uncharacteristically irritated and upset look he got from Hadley when she walked through the first set of doors into the crypt and reset the cipher caught Deacon by surprise, even more so when the typically talkative woman said nothing. Uncomfortably following her down the corridor and then through the second door and down the stairs, the enigmatic spy tried to lighten the mood with some small talk of his own, to which she barely responded. He relaxed a little when he realised he wasn't the only one surprised by the otherwise cheerful if not bubbly woman looking tired, strung out, and upset. Glory almost instantly glowered at him, but her gaze soon shifted to one of shock when it became clear to her Deacon hadn't said something unintentionally insensitive or disturbing to upset her. Carrington, too, seemed surprised to realise – at least, on the surface – Hadley's demeanour had nothing to do with Deacon. Stepping over to the map laid out on the crypt's makeshift centre table, she glanced between Glory, Desdemona, Carrington, Tom, and Deacon before taking a look at their new routes for runners and Heavys. A bit hesitant to do so in her presence, having heard one lecture too many over the years, Desdemona eventually took out and lit a cigarette, sighing when Hadley suddenly looked up and over at her.

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