"Browne has just passed the quaffle back to Brennan," shouted Roy. "She's approaching the goal...and...Brennan scores! 10 points to Gryffindor!" he screamed.

Hallie grinned vivaciously, as the crowd roared. She flew past Rosier, sending him a smug grin. With a strong confidence boost, watching as he seethed towards her, Hallie flew up to the Slytherin. "Like I said Rosier. Keep your eyes on the game."

"What an amazing goal from Brennan," marvelled Roy Jordan. "That girl can really do anything can't she?"

Hallie began to speed after Malfoy, who had gained possession of the quaffle. "Malfoys in possession...but oh it wasn't for long! Brennan stole the quaffle off of Malfoy. What a tackle that was! She passes to Fawley who passes to Browne and then back to Brennan and....Brennan scores yet again! The score is 20-0 to Gryffindor!" he cheered.

A sea of red erupted from the stands. Hallie watched Lily throw her arms in the air in excitement, even though the girl usually despised watching the games, for she believed the sport was far too 'dangerous'.

"Good play Hals," shouted James, as he sent the girl a rewarding thumbs up.

"Thank you," she called, not sparing another glance, before darting down the pitch yet again.

Throughout their play, Hallie noticed the three chasers had become evidently more confident in each other's game play strategies. Nearing the end of the match, Hallie could easily predict what either Fawley or Browne were going to do, making the game evidently easier for the Gryffindors to win.

From in front, Sophia was circling close by with her beaters bat wielded tightly in her grasp. Hallie dived, holding the quaffle tightly under her arm. Sophia, moving fast and agilely, flew past and in one swift motion, whacked the bludger in front of Hallie in the opposite direction.

Sophia followed the bludger and aimed it directly towards the Slytherin goalkeeper. He moved out of the way to dodge the bludger; enough time for the quaffle to leave Hallie's arms and sail straight through the middle hoop.

With a score of 120-60, the Slytherins chances at victory were slowly diminishing by the second. Each one of the chasers was so adamant to score, that no team work seemed to be taking place whatsoever.

"Rosier is speeding towards the Gryffindor goal hoops, the quaffle under his arm," Roy hissed, before laughing at himself comically. "Someone stop that greasy arsed snake!"

"Jordan," muttered McGonagall from beside him, trying her best to whisper. "No being biased please."

Roy grinned. "Oops sorry McGon. Anyways, Black is ready in goal. Rosier aims to score...but Black saves it. Good job Black! And that wraps it up folks, Blacks hair is way better than Rosiers!"

Hallie let a small smile play on her lips, as Sirus passed her back the quaffle. She sped back across the pitch, the wind ruffling roughly through her hair. Quidditch made Hallie feel free, like she had not a care in the world.

"Brennan watch out!" cried Roy out of nowhere.

Hallie turned her head to see a bludger heading straight at her, but was too late to move out of the way.

"Oh...thank Merlin Brennan's ok," said Roy, sighing in relief. "Briars blocked the bludger from hitting Brennan's head. Probably saved her from getting serious internal bleeding in her skull...." he rambled, before Professor McGonagall told him to politely shut up.

Sophia stopped herself in front of Hallie, sighing in relief. "Thank merlin you didn't die on me today Hals," she said with a small smile.

"Thank you," Hallie replied bluntly, before pulling the girl into a tight hug amidst the quidditch game.

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