Susumaru kept throwing balls at Genya,Genya dodged them with ease Susumaru eyes widen as she was hit with sudden force Yuishiro threw hits left and right.Susumaru giggled before tossing a ball Genya raised his leg back"DON'T HAVE YOU NOT LEARNED"Yuishiro yelled"YOU CAN'T KICK THEM GENYA"Tamayo yelled.

But Genya already kicked it his leg was immediately ripped off Susumaru giggled before kicking him back into the house.Genya growled at her Tamayo ran in after him she kneeled down to Genya"you don't heal fast the bleeding isn't stopping here take this medicine it will help"Tamayo said.Genya stared at her she reminded him of his mother Shizu.

Sanemi looked at Yahaba hands in disgust"You're really fucking ugly"Sanemi said,Yahaba snarled he threw more at Sanemi who try cutting them but it just carried him away.

Sanemi back slammed against the wall the arrow try lifting him but it only got his haori but another arrow wrapped his arm"it's going as planned ill take that arm"Sanemi ran towards the wall and pushed of it spinning the same direction as the arrow.

Yahaba stared in shock"You damn monkey"Yahaba said he sent more arrows at Sanemi who dodged them.Sanemi combined three forms togther in order to cut off Yuishiro head who glared at him.

"THIRD FORM CLEAN STORM WIND TREE IMPROVED"Sanemi yelled as he cut Yuishiro head off,Yuishiro stared in shock"YOU DAMN BOY ALL I NEEDED TO DO WAS BRING YOU HIS HEAD MY FACE IS DIRTY JUST FROM BRINGING IT INTO THE DIRT"Yahaba yelled.Sanemi eyes widen as he was throwned around like a rag doll,he quickly used multiple forms to blunt the attacks.

Yuishiro glared at him"I'm not done you've haven't suffered enough"Yuishiro said,Sanemi continued to blunt the attacks"not enough I still have-"Yuishiro was cut off as he finally disappeared.

Sanemi gasped as the arrows disappeared and he hit the ground"Damn it my leg and rib is cracked I can't even grab my sword for how exhausted Iam don't worry Genya I'm coming"Sanemi thought as he put his sword in his mouth.

Susumaru giggled as she kicked up more dirt"this is child's play"Yuishiro said Susumaru smirked"finding you will be easy to find you"Susumaru said she threw the temari it was close to connecting with Yuishiro head until a leg stopped it.

Yuishiro eyes widen Genya kicked it back bouncing back from the force of the ball Yuishiro looked at him in anger.Genya blinked"don't do that you can't be reckless just because you're immortal"Yuishiro said Genya blinked at him a again before reaching up to pay his head.

Yuishiro jaw dropped"what are you doing WATCH OUT"Genya veins popped out again he kicked the ball again wobbling from the force.He repeated it over and over again"amazing lady tamayo.."Yuishiro said.

Genya kicked it hard enough and it barley stopped in Susumaru arm he growled at her"you little brat you think your tuff just because you can kick my temari back at me don't be so cocky"Susumaru said in anger.

She kicked at Genya and they kicked it back at each other repeatedly applying more force each time" damn you,you brat"Susumaru said"but how lady Tamayo what did you do to him"Yuishiro said,"Nothing I just gave him a healing serum for demons but all it did was heal him it has no effect on his strength,we're witnessing Genya power without even a drop of human blood this all him"Tamayo said.

Genya held the temari with his leg as it rolled on his foot"he's rapidly gaining strength"Genya growled before he let out an anger yelled as he kicked it at Susumaru head.Susumaru moved her head and the ball flew pass her into the wall Susumaru stared in shock.

Tamayo squinted her eyes'but his opponent is formatal if she gave it her all Genya wouldn't stand a chance he needs help let's see what I can do"Tamayo said as she rolled her sleeve up.

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