"We're here Miss Snow" She looked out to see her friends smiling at her, hurriedly she exited and ran over to them.

"Oh Cass!" Jade hurried over, pulling her into a hug, Cassia smiled and hugged her back tight. The rest of their friends joined within seconds, the large group hug on the street caught the attention of many bystanders. They all laughed, smiling broadly.

"Oh come on! Let's get inside!" Grace hooked her arm in Cassia's and led her inside, the teenagers all laughed.

They were seated immediately, perks of being a part of the presidential family. They group talked about a myriad of things, from Haylo's idea for his science project to Grace's latest hyper fixation. Cassia didn't dare reveal to them all about her conversation with her grandfather or about her ever growing obsession with Finnick Odair. He simply wouldn't leave her mind, it drove her crazy.

"Cass? You okay?" Jade whispered, she turned to look at her best friend. The rest of their friend group was still immersed in conversation,

"Yeah... just stupid hot victors taking up my brain" Jade smirked and nudged her gently, Cassia responded with an eye roll. She didn't understand why it was such a pressing issue that Finnick Odair was occupying her thoughts. He was an attractive person who she had spoken to several times over the last week. Week. It had only been a week since she met him. It felt longer than that.

"I'd say go for it" Cassia eyed her best friend, suspiciously. Surely, Jade couldn't have been shhhesting that Cassia attempt to start a relationship with someone from the districts, especially with her views of them, "what have you got to lose? Besides, the Victors are the more.... You know, of the districts... still district but better" Cassia rolled her eyes, she understood that she was supposed to view the districts as less but the more time she spent with Finnick Odair made her question this more than ever before. She'd started believing the Victor ideology after befriending Cashmere, Gloss and Enobaria, but Finnick was making her rethink everything.

"Yeah sure" she scoffed, Jade laughed and the two rejoined the larger conversation that was taking place.

"So I'm just saying, if Prince would so let him hit it!" Both Cassia and Jade felt their eyes widen and they laughed in confusion, seconds later the rest of their friends joined in their laughter, it infected them as if it were a disease.

Before long, their lunch was over and Cassia and Jade were exploring the shopping centre.

"Oh! You'll never guess what" Cassia smiled, Jade looked up from the rack of heels she'd been examining, like a predator looking for prey. "Grandpa is sending me on a tour of the districts" Jade's eyes widened in horror, "it's for my state shelter scheme...." Jade sighed, a smile escaping onto her lips.

"Well that's good... say, if you happen to run into any hot victors like you know Jasper, or Thompson..." Thompson was a district two victor, he won the sixty seventh Hunger Games. He had deep brown hair and bright blue eyes, he was a Capitol Favourite. He'd brutally slaughtered nearly half of his fellow tributes. "Just put in a good word for me" Jade smiled sweetly, Cassia laughed and nodded.

"For sure" she was hoping she'd get to spend a few extra days in district four. And a few extra days with Finnick.

The day went by quickly and before Cassia knew it, her and Jade were preparing to give their presentation.

They both raced over notes in hushed tones as they were given some last minute practise time, but no matter how much Cassia tried, she couldn't get Finnick Odair out of her mind.

"I don't have all day girls" Gaul snarled, they turned to face him, the classroom was empty besides the man sitting in front of them. He looked exceptionally delighted to be there, not.

"Sorry" Jade chimed, they stood next to one another, he was lazily flicking through the report they'd written.

"Yes well this work seems decent, now present" Cassia coughed slightly,

"The tenth Hunger Games marked the turning point for what would become a celebration that this year celebrates its seventieth year" Cassia started, Jade got ready to continue,

"So, why did this turning point happen, well up until this point. The games were disliked by many, no one found an interest and no one wanted to watch them" Jade explained, allowing Cassie to take over.

"So many new initiatives were introduced, like the mentorship programme, sponsors, tribute interviews. And then after these games, even more came about. Thr victory tour, rewards for the winning district"

"That's when the games became a celebration, when the districts were given something to root for" he stated at them, small smile attempting to swarm his face.

"I hate to say you've done well, so I won't. I shall see you tomorrow Miss Dovecote, Miss Snow, take care on your trip" they thanked him before hurrying off, the two girls hugged one another once they'd left the room, Cassia didn't particularly enjoy public speaking, but she could do it quite well. Relief washed over her and she could see it in Jade's eyes too, they'd made it through their project. They'd survived, now Cassia had a whole new adventure to look forward to.

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