She panted heavily. She knew that glass ball. It's used to trap someone's soul by instantly killing them. She had to use the strongest barrier she knew to avoid being killed. Her body ached and her magic was depleted.

Adrian and Greta arrived.

"Just stay back. It will be quicker and easier for everyone." Saint Germain announced.

Adrian's eyes widened as he saw Selene injured, her head bleeding. He ran to her and she didn't look at him. She was fixated on Saint Germain.

"Who gave you that?!" Selene screamed as she struggled to stand, using the wall to support her. "Who the fuck gave you that?!?" She screamed in anger. She only knew one being who had such an evil item. Adrian looked at the man with contempt.

"Selene, what happened?" Adrian asked and she looked at him, her eyes glowing red.

Selene didn't answer, but she was shaking in anger and frustration. She was practically drained of magic, she can't destroy the circle and stop the ritual.

"I don't have enough energy to destroy the circle." She gritted out. Adrian saw her frustration and placed his hand on hers.

"Rest for now." He muttered. He knew that whatever Saint Germain used on Selene it was incredibly dangerous and powerful enough to deplete her magic quickly.

"What in the hell are you doing?" Alucard asked Saint Germain.

"I am opening a door into the Infinite Corridor." Saint Germain replied casually.

"I think his mind is gone." Greta commented

"The Infinite Corridor is a fairytale." Alucard responded.

"It most certainly is not. And Selene over there is no stranger to it. Young lady, the Infinite Corridor is a passage to other worlds. It is, however, very hard to control. I am truly sorry that the souls of your people are being sacrificed to the cause but they would have died of rickets or angry badgers soon enough anyway." Saint Germain replied confidently.

"This is death magic.You're using the energy of death to..." Alucard said out loud as he realized why Selene was so enraged.

"To open the corridor and direct a portal to hell. And I need this spot here where I presume you killed your father to anchor the connection."

"You bastard!" Selene screamed. "I'm going to fucking kill you!"

Adrian looked at her with mild surprise before looking back at Saint Germain

"My father?"

"I'm bringing him back from hell. And your mother. You're welcome to stay and watch. You can wave if you like."

"You bastard! How fucking dare you?!" Selene screamed as she strained herself to stand up on her own.

"You really are impressive, Selene. You survived. I was told no one could survive if that was used on them and it would instantly trap their soul." Saint Germain commented with a smile. "I was told that my benefactor wanted your soul. He wanted you for himself."

"I am going to fucking murder you!" Alucard yelled as he punched the barrier. How dare this man attempt to trap Selene's soul and now disturb his parents' souls.

"No, I don't think so. You see in Lindenfeld I saw that a many souled creature of magic can control the corridor. I was told that Selene would have had the ability to control the corridor but capturing her and making her comply was almost impossible. I, Saint Germain, am going to pull Dracula and Lisa Tepes out of hell, fuse their souls together and lock them inside the body of a Rebis."

"Who's Rebis?" Greta asked

"It's a what." Selene replied, gasping as she healed her wounds. "I broke a lot of bones." She muttered, closing her eyes in pain.

"It's a word for a hermaphrodite creature. A body that is both man and woman." Alucard replied as he glanced at his lover who was slowly healing herself.

"The pinnacle of Alchemy. An ultimate entity."

"More like a fucking abomination. Dracula himself hated it." Selene said as she glared at Saint Germain. "You fucking disgust me. Whoever it is you are looking for, may you never be reunited with them. I can see it in your eyes, your longing."

Saint Germain glared at Selene.

"Let this shield down and I will spare you." Alucard told Saint Germain.

"I can't control the corridor while I'm in there but a many-souled creature, a fusion of vampire and human, that will be a mechanism to exert control to the corridor.

Alucard started to attack the barrier around Saint Germain

"Vampire and human who were already closely bonded. It was quite obvious really."

"Why, man? What possible reason?" Alucard asked, frustrated.

"Two reasons. The woman I love is lost somewhere in the Infinite Corridor, and I am an Alchemist. I seek for the perfection of knowledge, the achievement of the great work, the magnum opus, which can be reached by the creation of the Rebis, the divine hermaphrodite, the fusion of male and female into an alchemical creature of perfect power and knowledge. And I can fucking ride it, Alucard. I create it. I bind it. I own it. I will find my love. I will command the Infinite Corridor. I will have complete access to a million different worlds. Like God."

Selene had finished healing herself but she was exhausted. She was enraged at the audacity of this man. Selene sensed the breach on the castle doors.

"Fuck it." She muttered and ran out of the room. Greta must have catched on and had dragged Alucard with her.

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