Chapter 3: Meeting Roomates and (maybe) Crushes

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    Once we make it to the bunk, we step inside and I take in the sweet smell of childhood memories. Childhood memories and wood. Kourt, Ash, and Gina look around in awe. In the Honeycomb bunk, it's us four female Wildcats, Maddox and two other girls, Elise and Cecillia.

"Oh! This is deeply round." Kourtney says, obviously unimpressed.

I laugh and walk over to my bunk on top by the window, tossing my stuff up.

"Six sides is some next-level feng shui." I chuckle.

"And some zero-level privacy."

"Wait. Okay." We all huddle up to hear what Gina has to say. "Should we spread out our bed assignments or do the new-girl cluster."

I beam at them. "Take whichever bunk you want. Just... not that one over there." I say, pointing at the bunk below mine where Kourtney's eyeing. Too late, Kourt sets all her stuff there as I sigh. Gina and Ashlyn have a little tiff over one of the bunks until Gina gives up and rests her stuff on the bottom bunk of the bed next to mine.

"Wow. Guys, I can't believe so many of us showed up for this!" Gina laughs and looks at the girls.

Kourtney puts her hands on her hips and smiles at her."Yeah. I mean, your boy EJ talked up a pretty big game. I was expecting a more, you know, four seasons-y vibe."

"He gets so excited when he describes camp. You too, AJ. The only reason I never joined you guys was because I spent the past six months LARPing in Minnesota." Everyone looks at Ashlyn strangely. I, on the other hand, look delightfully surprised. "Live-action roleplay? Anyone?" The others continue staring at her strangely whereas I burst into laughter on my bunk.

"So that's where you've been going and leaving me alone with EJ! I love LARPing! I mean, I suspected it, but I didn't know it was true!" I exclaim.

"We're gonna learn a lot about each other this summer, aren't we?" Kourtney cringes as I nod.

"My best character is a sewing wrench from Gondor." Ash looks at us and I burst out laughing again.

"Okay, I'm gonna check out the restroom." Kourtney walks over and makes a noise. "Oh! And now I've done that." She walks away from the bathroom and I laugh again.

"Come on, Kourt. This is going to be a great summer. This guy I know promised." Gina states, bragging slightly. I cough. "This super amazing and intelligent girl I know promised too." She adds in as I smile at her.

I love Portwell but why do I have a bad feeling about these two... it's not exactly like EJ has always had the best experiences when it came to love too... I can't help but feel like something bad is going to happen to EJ and Gina this summer... one's my brother and one's my best friend... I would hate to see them get hurt. Especially these two, who've already gone through so much, including their love lifes.

"I'm glad you've got someone here, but Howie's off to college, Nini's on the road, my mom's a little too old for camp..." Kourt lists off and I hop off my bunk and sit down next to her.

"AJ Caswell, who? Certainly not Kourtney Greene's best friend..." I say, upset that she kinda just IGNORED my existence and position as her other best friend, who'd known her long before Nini knew EJ.

Kourtney sighs. "Sorry AJ... I'm still not doing very well with the fact that I'm trying something new without some of my closest friends and family... still love you though bae, promise!"

I grin at her. "Don't worry, Kourt. You need help with anything here, come to me!" I exclaim, pointing proudly at myself.

Just then, Maddox walks in. "Yes, my ladies in the Honeycomb! Once again, I'm Maddox."

Wouldn't Change A Thing-Jet HSMTMTS♡Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin