Supposed to be a Fresh Start

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The next morning, the same boy, dressed in the uniform of Asahiyama high school, leaves his small apartment and walks along a river towards school. He was exhausted and more or less dragged his feet along the street while muttering to himself, "I barely got any sleep last night because of that weird girl."

He looks up at the rising sun in front of him and surprisingly enjoys its warming raze which makes him admit to himself, "though I guess I have to thank her, if it wasn't for her then I probably wouldn't be enjoying this morning."

Though that gratitude doesn't last long as he remembers what she stole while muttering in annoyance, "but she did steal that important paper."

Thinking about it causes him to scratch his head with confusion while continuing, "why did she do that anyways? She doesn't know me or the importance of what she took? And she said we'd cross paths again? She said that with such conviction. Though to be fair she did seem to be a strange person in general so that might have just been her personality talking."

Though he wanted to mull these thoughts over some more, his quiet contemplation gets interrupted when he sees his new school coming into view. He sighs disheartedly as he slowly ascends the stairs into the building towering over him while muttering to himself, "better get this over with."

Now standing at the front of a classroom, he stands there silently in front of the class with every bone in his body shaking from the nervousness he was feeling while the teacher asks, "why don't you introduce yourself?"

Snapping back to reality, he immediately straitens up while thinking, "right!"

Still nervous yet determined to more or less get all of this over with, he forces himself to look forward while saying in an overly forced calm voice stammers, "he-hello everyone, my name is Bachado Kashima."

He bows down in as respectful a way as humanly possible while blurting out, "it's a pleasure to meet you all!"

The classroom is quiet to the point where he could practically hear his own heart almost pounding out of his chest while he simply prayed that this horrible moment would be over until, to his joy, he hears the teacher saying, "thank you Bachado, you can take a seat now."

Bachado slowly raises his head and quickly scans the room but to his dismay, doesn't see any open spots. He starts to panic but seeing this, the teacher quickly steps in while pointing at the far window and saying, "there's a spot over there by the window, next to Nakano. Nakano can you please stand up."

Bachado looks over to where she was pointing but becomes confused by something popping up from behind the rows of seated uninterested looking students. It was oddly familiar to him and as he tries his best to figure out where he remembered them from, he thinks to himself, "where have I seen those green bunny ears before?"

His question however is quickly answered when the owner of the bunny ears stands up and waves at him while shouting in an unfortunately familiar cheerful tone, "over...."

The girl stops mid-sentence when she sees the boy standing at the front of the room and while going wide eyed, the boy looks back at her in horror while whispering to himself, "dear god.... Why.... Why is she here?"

In complete contrast to the horrified look he was desperately trying to hide, she started to glow with the brightest smile he had ever seen while what appears to be sparkling stars form around her. Bachado continues to stare at her aimlessly until he hears the teacher say, "I'd like to start class so why don't you take a seat."

Snapping back to reality, Bachado quickly blurts out, "right!!!"

A mixture of snickers and muffled laughs is heard throughout the classroom while Bachado turns bright red as he quickly scurries his way to the back corner of the room where he takes a seat while the teacher starts the lesson. He uses every ounce of his being to look straight forward at the board though it is kinda difficult with the pair of eyes burning a hole in the side of his head. As he continues to pretend not to notice, he hears a voice next to him whispering, "hehe, I knew we'd meet again."

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