"They're gone?" He asked, looking up at his father, the camera showing the angry king.

"Where are they?" He said, raising a clenched fist, making the chef nervous.

"Don't worry, sire, we'll find them." She said, snapping her fingers as three different Bergens showed up, falling towards the ground where she pointed, pressing their ears to the ground, Prince Gristle following their example.

"I think I hear something!" He said, the camera slowly went under the ground until it revealed a tunnel, which the trolls were escaping from. Then it showed King Peppy leading with a torch, then the trolls passing Princess Poppy forward until she reached her father.

"Ah! There's my princess!" King Peppy sighed in relief and happiness, looking at his youngest with such warmth it made some envious.

"Dada!" She laughed before another troll interrupted.

"King Peppy, some other trolls can't keep up!" He said nervously, glancing to the back before King Peppy handed him the torch.

"No troll left behind!" He shouted, quickly running back as he slowly took off pieces of his clothing to place on puddles, trolls thanking him quickly.

"Wait wait wait, where'd Poppy go?" Guy Diamond asked, bringing attention to the fact that Poppy seemed to have disappeared after King Peppy began running back.

"That's a good question, where did she go?" Satin asked, raising an eyebrow as Chenille nodded, looking at each before turning to look at King Peppy, who smiled proudly.

"Don't worry, I had her in a safe spot." They got the only response, making other trolls look at each other in confusion as Branch rolled his eyes.

It was obvious the safest place to keep a trolling was in their parents' hair.


Well, in an older person's hair.

Did no one else think so?

Not, as they only turned and whispered to each other in confusion.

Soon enough, the camera showed King Peppy lifting a tree root, letting a pair of siblings run past freely, the older sister shouted out a 'Thank you King Peppy!' as they continued.

Soon enough, it showed King Peppy running with a troll on his back, their leg flowing unnaturally, King Peppy only in his undergarments.


"I don't know, shock?"

"NO TROLL LEFT BEHIND!" He shouted proudly, lifting a fist in the air as he gathered trolls who were injured or in a panic, holes appearing from above as the camera showed the Bergens shoveling and using pick axes to dig to look for the missing trolls, making some trolls scream in fear.

Soon, it showed Prince Gristle standing on his father's shoulder, grabbing at his face to make him look at him.

"Daddy, where are they?!" He asked, making the king shout in anger.

"Don't just stand there! Make my son happy!" He yelled, pointing at the chef, showing how she was standing around and watching before she gritted her teeth.

"Wow, what a good keeper of happiness," Branch said sarcastically, rolling his eyes, and making some trolls and Bergens snort, the Bergens quickly turned away when the dirty Chef glared at them.

"He will be happy!" She said, grabbing the pick axe that one royal guard was swinging and quickly plunging it into the ground, nearing getting King Peppy, who was shown carrying a big ball of trolls, all yelping as the holes slowly got closer.

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