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Remember that one day

That one warm, kinda chilly day in july

You asked me

What's the best

The most beautiful

The most kind

The most elegant

The most sweet

What's the best flower?

I said

The rose....

Its beautiful

Kind, Sweet, elegant

It's the best

Then we both paused

You said "Then you are a rose"

Am I still a rose to you?

Am I still a rose broken?

Am I still a rose sad?

Am I still a rose alone?

Am i still a rose..

Even though you broke me?

You made me sad

Made me alone

I've noticed when roses grow

People often rip the petals off


By petal..

They rip these petals

To determine love

They rip roses off bushes

For joy

Taking roses away from safety

For beauty

They've pulled

And pulled

Someday roses are going to stop

Roses are going to leave

Roses aren't gonna be around anymore

Roses are going to go extinct


People like you

Old men being such manipulating jerks to little kids

A 6 year old little girl. Happy. Innocent.

I wish I never went in the woods that day

I shouldn't have done the dare

All of my friends said I wouldn't dare.

But I did

They saw what you did.

All 3 of them

They never helped. Never cried for help

They let you do that horrid crap to me

Because they were scared too.

Little kids build trauma too ya know

And I have all those memories.

I remember every detail of the day.

Not only that one day

But the days after

It lasted so long.

I still have dreams about some of the days

Not dreams, nightmares


Am i still your rose,

Even though you've caught me on fire?

If i'm your rose.

I must be a pretty ashed one

Cause i've been burning for years.

I don't plan on ending my flame either

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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