Chapter 2: Lessville

Start from the beginning

1 leaves the room, 8 held his large knife, and tilted his head as a sign to follow him.

5 follows, gensin notice 8 wears some sort of shoulder pads.
8 let a small grunt, giving gensin a small jump.

When leaving the room, he noticed he was in some sort of church, still standing despite a plane hanging from the ceiling.
He then hears nose coming outside the curch, feeling like this is the leaders home.

5: It didn't kill him?
8: Quite.

They just kept walking.
There was a large cart held by a rope, resembling an elevator, 1 opens and gets in, 5 does to, gensin when he was going to was pushed by 8, who chuckles at him.
He then proceeded to spin the lever, bringing the carriage up.

Gensin then starts to look outside, seeing a whole town He hasn't seen in a while.
A large rusty sign reads "Lessvile."
Seeing other stitchpunks in their own lifestyle, he saw small signs of plant life, He sees little of humanity inside this place.
He noticed walls beneath the village guarded by people wearing gas masks.
Gensin did hope there was another, 1 just looked at him smiling like he's a menace.

When they reached the 2nd floor, it was big, a large clock was shining light into the room, a large red carpet, with a large window drawing shining with color.

Gensin heard a sound of ink coming from some sort of alcove. Another stitchpunk was in there. He couldn't see clearly since it was concealed in darkness. His fingertips were all pens.

1 stops walking.
He then stopped gensin by gently grabbing him by his right shoulder, where he got cut.

1: When we awoke in this world, it was chaos, man and machine, attacked each other with fire and metal.


Massive bombardment was heard.
The sky was covered with green smoke, and man was retreating from base to base.
Massive artillery fire was sent on the other side of the wall.

7 steps slower to a shield-like dome.
1 sees her from a small bullet hole.
8 lifts the shield door open.

7: I found others.

Behind her were twins 3 & 4, 5 and 6.
Quickly getting inside the dome, a large explosion struck far away from them.
One hit close that it had covered them with dirt and rocks.

7: There's a path ahead.

She quickly left to find other stitchpunks.

1: Follow me.

5 felt fear everywhere, 2 comforts him.
They started moving away from the wall, no man at sight.
One second...
A large explosion has demolished a massive wall to dust.
5 was tripped and covered in dust.
Three 30ft tall steel war behemoths, with a large head, one red eye, with a gatling gun underneath, completed with 2 long legs.
Started to slowly walk towards the town.

5 sees them, before he could get up, one man had started running towrds them, with 3 bottles of molotov tied up, he throws it at one machine.
It was a direct hit but was extremely ineffective, it started to tilt down its head, its eye nearly closed, and then 100 shots were fired.

The 100 flying bullets peirce the man by every organ and bone, blood was all over the floor, thus immediately taking his life and fell on the ground.

5 horrified by the homicide, started to flee the three behemoths.
Three of them opened their upper hatches on top of their heads.
Then, two fired gas bombs, one fired an explosive.

Two missed 5 by just luck, but the last one nearly got him.
He felt great force being blasted right on the floor.
Then something hit his right eye.

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