Kyoko smiled and nodded her head

"Though, I wish I could've meet Gojo-san today"

Her papa chuckled at that

"You'll meet him, If a few days. Don't worry. He'll be back."

She smiled and nodded, looking outside the window.

It was quiet for a bit before ijichi started again

"You wanna know something funny, sweetie"

She looked back at him

" Gojo himself was also upset when he went to the mission. He didn't want to go because he wanted to meet and greet you. But in the end principal yaga had to forcefully send him."

Her eyes waiden

"It's funny he doesn't care about anyone yet how he took a liking in you. I also wanna see how you two would get along. He says you're probably gonna be his new favorite student."

She looked down at her hand, getting flustered already. With a visible blush on her face she said in a low voice,

"I'll try my hardest to do good. I will try my hardest to become stong."

Ijichi's eyes softened as he looked at his daughter

"I know you'll do great, sweetie. Don't get worried "

As  ijichi focused on driving, kyoko looked out side,

"I hope so too, papa"

She whispered to herself


Now kyoko is standing Infront of the Tokyo jujutsu metropolitan college.

"Sweetie let's go inside, the principal is waiting for you"

She gulped when her father said that, but nodded her head as she followed her father to the principals office

In his office, ijichi knocked the door

"Who is it?"

A gruffy voice spoke from behind the door

" It's me Yaga-san"


The person called them inside

With a deep breath, kyoko followed her father inside. There he was sitting there in all his glory, principal Yaga Masamichi

He was doing paperwork, when he heard the door opened, he looked up


He greeted

"Principal yaga sir, this is my daughter, Kyoko"

Kyoko came Infront, giving the principal a small smile

"K-konichiwa, sir. It's great to meet you."

She said with a bow

Yaga was pleasently surprised seeing kyoko's calm voice and gentle polite greeting.

"Ahh, Kyoko-chan. It's been quite a while. The last time I saw you, you were six years old."

She raised her head, nodding to the principal with a smile

"I hope you'll enjoy your time here and make good friends. Now, you'll be in the first years. You're quite late, it's been months since the other first years Started. But don't worry, I believe you'll fit right in."

Kyoko gave him a nother polite smile

"I'll try my hardest to fit in, sir. Thank you so much for having me"

Although, the principal didn't show it, he was in awe. The young girl Infront of him was truly beautiful. Not only that, her calm voice and the pleasent smile on her face is something that set anyone's heart at ease.

The principal called called someone and told them to come to the room.

The three talked for a little while after there was a knock on the room

"Come in" - Yaga

The door opened and revealed a young girl, kyoko's new classmate, Kugisaki Nobara

She came and bowed to the principal

"Kugisaki, this is your new classmate, Ijichi Kyoko. Please take her and show around the school as Gojo isn't here today."

Nobara nodded and looked at Kyoko only to waiden her eyes

"Holy shit! This girl is hot! Like maga hot! Her face is so pretty! Her makeup is done perfectly, her style is also good. I should go shopping with her"

Kyoko gave nobara a smile before bowing to the principal for the last time

"It was a pleasure to speak with you sir. Now if you'd excuse me"

Yaga nodded with a smile

She gave her father a peck on the cheek before following nobara out of the room.

" Well ijichi, your daughter sure did grow up fine. It's rare to find such polite girls nowadays."

Ijichi proudly nodded his head

What they didn't know is how Kyoko's life would change today

7 rings | jujutsu kaisen x oc {Soulmate AU}Where stories live. Discover now