"It was a mistake"

Start from the beginning

Me: I feel so alive

Ezzy: welp I just know you 2 are gonna get married now

Ezzy: #soulmates

Me: Oh shut uppp

Ezzy: You know I'm right 😏

Me: I mean I won't complain if you're right


Me: okay so this is getting a little of topic but Aarron called me right before you texted me

Ezzy: I swear to God if you answered..

Me: I did.. BUT I told his ass of

Ezzy: wait omfg fr? whatchu say?! SPILL 🫖

Me: Okay so you aren't made at me for answering?

EZZY: I mean if you told him off then no

Me: Okay so i basiclly was like "we aren't ever getting back togerthor"

Ezzy: Okay Tay Tay

Me: lol

Ezzy: I mean what will you do if Satori tries to call?

Me: oh wow i never really thought about that.. I mean she's my baby sister i could never be mad at her..

Ezzy: well if any of my sibling did that I would tell their ass off!

Me: Love your confidence. Wish I had it :(

Ezzy: and you will! Maude you just got your heart broken for a second time of course you aren't gonna be 100% but trust me you'll gain that confidence back and you'll be glowing mamas

Me: I love you.

Me: gonna post on Instagram I think ;)

Me: might boost my confidence


Me: okay.. oh and frankie wants to hang out when i'm in new york next week

Ezzy: WHAT

Me: okay byeee ttyl ;)



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