Beginning of the story

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Once upon a time, there was a cottage house and there lived three cups, Cuphead, Mugman, and Ms.Chalice, and they live with their grandfather Elder Kettle. 

One day the three cups were just sitting down at the kitchen table eating little chicken legs, until their grandfather came in.

Elder Kettle: Kids, I got bad news for all of us.

Cuphead: What is it Elder Kettle?

Mugman: Yeah! What's wrong?

Ms.Chalice: Is it something really bad?

Elder Kettle: We are all out of food and drinks.

That made the kids feel sad and worried when the heard the bad news from their grandfather, and they all wondered what they are going to do.

Mugman: This is just terrible.

Ms.Chalice: What will we do for this situation grandfather?

Cuphead: Yeah! This is bad if you ask me.

Elder Kettle: Oh, I don't know kids. Well I think I am going to take a long nap.

He really didn't know what to do to help his kids get more food and drinks that he left to take a really long nap in his bedroom.

The three kids were very sad about running out of food and drinks but just then, Ms.Chalice came up with an idea, and she pull out her purse.

Ms.Chalice: Hey boys, I have an idea.

Cuphead: What is it Chalice?

Mugman: Yeah! What is it?

Ms.Chalice: Well, with my purse filled with some money I can go to the market in Inkwell City and try to buy some food and drinks that we need in our cottage.

Cuphead: Woah! That's a great idea Chalice.

Mugman: Yeah! That will our grandfather happy for sure after he gets up from his long nap.

The boys were very happy to hear that idea from their sister, and she might be able to save the day for the family and she thanks her brothers.

Ms.Chalice: Thanks boys. Well I better get going and don't worry I'll be back with somethings for us.

So, she left for the market in Inkwell City as her brothers wave bye to her.

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