CHAPTER ONE, best friends reunited

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Mirabel loved living in Texas. She loved working at her family's ranch, and she loved spending time with her parents. She also loved spending time with her good friend, Lucas Friar, and his family. But Lucas had been transferred to a new school and moved to New York. She and Lucas had been keeping in contact through phone calls and video chats, but it wasn't the same. She missed him and longed to see him again. When Lucas' Pappy Joe had informed her and her parents that Lucas was signed up for the bull riding contest she was in disbelief. Lucas had never ridden a bull before, what was he thinking? She just didn't know yet that someone else had signed him up for it.

"He has to be going insane." Mirabel sighs, brushing her horse's fur. She was currently in the stables at her family's ranch and had decided to tend to her horses. "I mean, of all bulls he signed up to ride Tombstone. That's basically a death wish."

"It sure is, sweetie." Her father, Beau, who was also in the stables, responds, smiling reassuringly. "But Lucas is a strong boy, I'm sure he'll do just fine." He had been giving the horses fresh hay and water when he had heard his daughter's worried tone.

"I know. He's strong, brave, and a lot of other great things. It's just a risky choice. And if something goes wrong and he gets hurt..." Mirabel's voice trailed off while she continued to brush her horse's mane. Beau could tell how worried she was. She was clearly concerned about Lucas and was trying not to think of the worst possible scenario.

"You really care for him, don't you?" Beau asked softly, his tone gentle. He knew that his daughter had been good friends with the Friar boy ever since they were little. It was obvious she cared for him deeply, but Beau wasn't sure how deep that care ran.

"Of course I do. He's my best friend, dad." Mirabel answers, furrowing her eyebrows. She was confused at why her dad was asking her this. "Why are you asking this?" She inquired. 

"I see the way you look at him, Mira." Beau replies. "The way your eyes shine whenever you see him, and how you always want to spend time with him." He looked at his daughter knowingly.

"I don't...I don't know what you're talking about." Mirabel replied, shaking her head.

"Oh come on now, Mira." Beau chuckles lightly. "I know you like him."

"Like him as a friend, dad." Mirabel explains with a shrug, finishing up with brushing her horse's mane. "Nothing more."

"Whatever you say, sweetie." Beau gave a slight shrug, then smiled warmly at his daughter. "Just let me know when the wedding is so I can prepare myself to walk my little girl down the aisle." He grinned at her.

"Dad!" Mirabel exclaims, tossing the brush at him as her face turned bright red. "Shut up. You're so embarrassing." She mumbled. Beau just laughed heartily and winked at her before walking away, leaving her standing there. Mirabel rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"So stupid." Mirabel mutters, looking at her horse. Her horse neighed as if in agreement. Mirabel chuckled and rubbed its nose gently. "I'm being silly, huh? Thinking that Lucas might have feelings for me. That would be ridiculous." She pauses as she realized she was talking to a horse. "And now I'm talking to my horse, but what else is new?" She asked, earning another neigh of agreement and her horse nudged her which caused her to laugh.

"Hey, mija!" Her mother, Beatrix, calls from outside the stable. "Phone call!"

"Coming!" Mirabel called out, then patted her horse one last time before walking out and rushing back over to the house. Once inside the house, Mirabel grabbed the phone and pressed it to her ear.

"Hello, this is Mirabel." She greeted.

Pappy Joe, Lucas' grandfather, voice is on the other end and he sounds happy. Mirabel smiles wide when she heard the nickname he only called her. "Miri, how are you doing?"

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