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Thanks to each one of you who voted and commented on the previous chapter.


Pushing away the negative thoughts that arose in his mind, Rohit knocked on the door.

Virat attended the door in less than a minute and was surprised to see Rohit stand in front of him.

'Did you miss me so much that you came to see me?' he asked and immediately jumped onto him for a hug.

Rohit was genuinely confused with his behaviour. He didn't know how to react.

'Why didn't you attend my calls?' he asked.

'It was in my room. I'm in kitchen with - wait did you come this long because I didn't attend your calls? Have you ever done this for your girlfriend? Damn, I feel so lucky.' Virat's happiness only kept on increasing as he was still unaware of what had happened.

'I'd suggest you to first check your phone and then talk to me.' Rohit spoke in a low tone, trying to hide his nervousness.

'Who is it?' Saroj aunty has come to them and was equally surprised seeing Rohit.

'Rohit beta, it's nice to have you here. But is everything alright?' she asked.

Rohit didn't know how to answer that question so instead he bent down to take her blessings.

'May you always get what's right for you. Get seated beta, I'll serve some snacks for you.' she said.

'Well actually there's an ICT meeting now. I'll have food after that. Virat shall we go to your room and attend the meeting?' Virat understood that something was wrong and nodded his head while wondering what could be wrong.

'Why are you so nervous? Are you planning to propose to Ritika?' Virat asked excitedly as he closed the door behind him after they got into his room.

'Check your phone and then talk.' Rohit started feeling nauseous with all the tension.

Virat unplugged his phone from the charging, where he left it for way too long and noticed a lot of missed calls.

'Am I promoted or something?' Virat asked.

'No.' was all Rohit could say.

Virat sighed, truly fed up with his answers and turned on the WiFi.

Virat Kohli's true character out, makes derogatory remarks against women.

Virat froze seeing that notification. He opened it and began reading to see what exactly were they talking about and that's when he saw a screenshot of Rohit's story.

'This-' he was too shocked and numb to say anything.

'I swear, I didn't do it intentionally. I wanted to send that to Ritika but accidentally sent the story. I don't even know what was I thinking. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me.' Rohit pleaded as tears began streaming down his eyes.

'I don't understand how can someone share it on their story accidentally.' Virat paused and that felt like Rohit's worst imaginations coming true.

'But since it's you, it's possible. And I trust you. I know that you wouldn't do it intentionally. So just calm down.' there was a lot that Virat was worried about in that moment but he absolutely trusted Rohit.

He didn't know how his mother would feel if she saw such kind of articles. He didn't know what Anushka's reaction would be or what would happen to his future in ICT if at all someone actually files a case against him, though according to him, he made no mistake.

But he also knew that to help him, Rohit would go to any length but to hurt him, it would only be unintentional.

'Are you sure?' Rohit couldn't believe that Virat wasn't fighting with him.

'Yes, I am. Stop crying.' Virat wiped his tears and hugged him to calm him down.

'I was so worried. I thought this would be the end of our friendship and that thought itself broke my heart. But you aren't even angry with me, Virat. What did I do to deserve you?' Rohit continued weeping.

'Even if I was asked to choose between cricket and you, I'd choose you. It might sound cheesy and untrue but I'll keep proving my point whenever I get a chance to. I'm used to having friends who'd backbitch about me but you've come all this way because you were worried if I'd be upset with you. What did I do to deserve you?' as Virat's vision blurred, he realised that he was crying too.

'I'll apologize publicly and even say that I've morphed it to prank you.' Rohit said as he wiped his tears.

'You'd do no such thing. Whatever will happen, we'll face it together. Not just this but till the very end, we'll always face out problems together. And always remember that though I'll fight with you, I don't have the strength to stay away from you. So the next time you'll come to my home must be because you miss me and not because you're worried about our friendship.' Virat stated and disengaged from the hug to message Anushka.

He wasn't mad at Rohit but he didn't know how to deal with the mess. But he didn't feel nervous at all, as he knew that there will always be a hand holding his, each time he needed support.

'So does this mean that we'll stop fighting?' Rohit asked, refering to their platonic love confessions.

'Definitely not. But we won't stop coming back to each other too, by the end of every fight. Remember the note you wrote for me on my birthday?'

'Yes I do. I was hesitant while writing it. I thought I was making it all too cringey. But I'm glad that we are on the same page.' Rohit confessed.

'I'm cringey only when it's about you.'

'As of now. Let's see what happens after you get a girlfriend.' Rohit knew that nothing would change. If a mistake like that didn't affect their friendship, he felt that nothing else can. But he wanted to hear it from Virat.

'Then my heart will be producing more love to shower upon her but there won't be any decrease in your quota. We can have a bet on that, if you want.' Virat said strongly and Rohit smiled because he knew the sincerity of that statement and Virat smiled back at him because he knew that it was reciprocated.


And this brings us to the end🥹

I wanted this to be a 100 chapter story but my ongoing terrible writer's block and super hectic academics made me change my mind.

But I wish I could write these last chapters better 😭

I hope you guys don't find it too dull or boring 🤞

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