Chap 2

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I'm so sorry if I got their pronoun wrong. I usually just write characters that go by she or he but never they. Writing they/them usually is used for multiple people and I get confused when I re-read my story.

I'm writing this when I have no Internet and my parents locked my computer on Mondays to Fridays. So researching can be very hard especially when I can't even remind myself to clean my bed in the morning 🗿. Few things will be wrong so I deeply apologize for that.

Also I can't remember all the killer's names. So some of them will go by their nickname.


"I didn't get the chance to tell him." Cole groaned in frustration, pulling his hair. His hair was no longer as cluttered as before. Cole smiled softly as he ran his hand through his hair. After going through an hour of torture as punishment for not killing anyone on purpose, it was all worth it for Eiji.

Wrapping bandages on Cole's wound, Christoph let out a low chuckle, "At least he has knowledge about you still loving him. For now that's what matters."

"Still... If I had only told him more about the mist. Maybe Arlo and the other survivors wouldn't hate you guys as much."

"I don't really care if they hate me or not." A short girl laughed.

"Well, I care." A guy with black hair harshly barked, "I don't want to be killing other Eiji. Even though he isn't 'my' Eiji. I can't allow Eiji to hate me..."

"Not everything has to be about you Taliyah." An android defended.

Almost all the killers gathered together when they heard the news about Cole. Besides a few others: Finley, The Empress, -because he's practically brain dead- and the other three possessed killers and a few others. The mist was kind enough to allow them to spectate active rounds. Cole came back with Kiara geeking out about the kiss.

'How was the kiss?'

'Was his lips soft?'

'Did you both use tongue to kiss?'

Cole instantly flush red as Kiara asks those shameless questions. The other killers didn't really mind witnessing Kiara tormenting Cole. Besides Jun of course, who didn't seem very pleased with her questions. His face distinctly in a frown as his lost-overprotective-brother-side to take over. Despite this he did try to contradict his own behavior but with no avail to do so.

Though his days with his brother were long gone. Deep down in his gutters, love still exists. Even being Eiji's own elder brother, he has no clue whether his brother was still breathing or deceased. Not once was he allowed to see his brother after that particular accident. He is a terrible brother indeed. He knew what he's doing will never make his brother proud. Was he proud of it? Certainly, not. He only did it for the money for his brother and him. He never expected to kill anyone before everything went south.

The Gods must hate him for putting him in such a position. To witness his own self being so feeble and weak. To witness his own brother being killed by the hands of his own... co-workers. To be forced to be the one to kill his own brother. Utterly terrible. To think he had already gotten over Eiji's death. Terrible. Though he can't complain, he did receive some amazing new perks. Sadly, it wasn't powerful enough to kill a certain animal... (Jun will always be Jun huh...)

"Big deal. You and Eiji made out," Ye-Jun retorted with his arms crossed. Either way, one day he and Dae-Jung will have the same relationship as what Cole and Eiji do. Ye-Jun will make sure it happens.

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