A GREAT DAY ( edited )

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"mommy what are we doing here " kagami asked. I looked at her and smiled. She has grown in to a lovely toddler. She had maroon hair that faded to  jet black that reached to her waist. She possesses her father's eyes and some features of him but mostly look like me. Her personality resembles her father. She is a sweet and kindhearted cinnamon roll but she can be dangerously malicious and devilish  from time to time. She has a powerful aura that can make even the strongest demons cower. But luckily I taught her how to hide it

  " We are collecting herbs to bring to aunt tamayo to make her medicine" I said patting her head. " But that's sooo boringggg...." She said grabbing my forearm. " Yeah mom I agree with her on that one" makato said. He was the youngest of the two  but the most mature one. He had jet black hair that faded to maroon red. He liked to keep it short. They both posscourse,straight hair on the top and a little curled at the bottom. He as his sister had crimson eyes. He was identical to his sister except his hair. His personality was very cold and harsh but very powerful. With one look he could scare the living daylights out of a demon nor person. But from the inside he was a thoughtful and fun person to hang around. But he hides it saying that showing emotions would be a act of weekends but sometimes does show them.

" Alright then. Until I finish collecting herbs you to can go and do something fun around here and do not go too far off. After that we can go to the town and do something you to like." I suggested as they eagerly noded and went away joyfully. " I can't believe that it has been five years since those two came in to my life. But we only just started our journey. We made a lot of memories on the way. I wish you were here with us Akira." I thought as I reminisced  about our journey until then. It was wonderful of course but Akira passing away took a lot out of me. But I do not feel that much grief since a year ago when Akira died.

She did say that she was gonna die because of her mark one day when she was 25 so we made a lot of memories over the years until the day she was bed ridden and didn't have any energy to walk let alone stand up on her own. At least she died a peaceful death and not by a demon.The day came where I accompanied her till her last breath that she took that day. I felt very sad and even cried as she took her last breath. I still vividly remember what she said to me that day.


" Hey Akira. How are you feeling" I asked as tears poured out of my eyes. There layed a sickly and frail looking woman who was not even a quarter much like her past days. There was a towel on her forehead and smiled when I entered her room. She winced as it brought a lot of pain and energy to just merely smile " I- it hurts a little but I'll manage. Look kokoshibo!! I'm 25 today!! and I might die around at night today but don't be sad!! when I eventually die cause, remember all the things we did all the challengers we faced . Even when I die I'll always be with you forever." She said still remaining cherfull even though she will die today.  she took her hand and put it on my cheek. She smiled softly and closed her eyes and a moment later she took a deep final breath in this unfair world and her hand fell next to her. I couldn't stop my eyes pouring out as I hugged her and said my goodbyes.

Flashback ends
I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my kimono as the flashback ended. I miss you so much Akira. I hope your up there and watching every thing happening right now. One day hopefully I get to meet you where ever you are." I said looking up at the sky. " Mom I got something for you" makato said coming behind me.

" Oh what is it" I said turning around. " Tada I made you a crown made out of flowers " makato said putting the most beautiful flower crown I have ever seen. He looked so cute when he looked away a little blush creeping up his cheeks. " And I made you a flower neckless to go with your crown." Kagami said putting her creation on my neck. " Awe guys I love it. They are so beautiful. What about I buy you some mochi ehh??" I said hugging them and standing up.

" Yay!!! MOCHI!!!MOCHI!!!MOCHI!!!!!"
kagami chanted and jumped up and down as makoto stared at me with stars in his eyes. " Come on you two let's go home so we can give the herbs to tamayo san" I said holding there hands and walking towards our home.

We all were happy and content with our lives. Even though I had a considerably large hole in my heart that can never be filled we were ready for anything life would throw at us. We will face it together forever.
Hello guys how do you like the introduction of our little demons here. And I feel so bad about Akira but I couldn't change the story always so it had to be done for the plot. but I promise she would get a nice ending at the end of this fanfic. That's all for today and I hope your having a great day or night and as always

Remember to be hydrated and drink plenty of water

Your beloved
~A/n chan~

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