"oh! y/n would you like to join us at our mini celebration?" you look at the person who calls your name and it's ms.Anna again who's passing by the house you're staying in


y/n is just silent while they're walking heading to the celebration area that you don't know where. 

When you arrived you saw that there's a huge bonfire at the center and surround of it are mini wooden chairs being seated by some residence here at the village, and there's a long table at the back full of different food and drinks.

"come here y/n!" Lea one of the person who's helping the community with the first aid kits signal you to join her.

as soon you sit beside her she handed you a glass of wine and you reach for it then smile at her

"if you're wondering what's happening right now, this is actually for prince Hyunjin mini celebration. It's supposed to be big but he requested to keep it minimal and simple"-Lea

"why not everyone is here?"-y/n

"well..we're the only one invited here, the people who keeps on working for the village" -Lea

you just nodded at her and drink straight your wine, you startle when Lea grab your glass and pour the wine again but you let her because you might need this right now. You just keep on talking with Lea with random topics 

"prince Hyunjin thank you for coming and letting us do this" you look at that person and you saw Hyunjin talking to the residence here then you look down after finishing your wine again. It looks like Hyunjin is here for a while now and also enjoying his drinks since he can't also eat now.

"he's here!" Lea nudge your arm but you just keep your eyes on the ground and sigh, trying to prepare your mental state once again in front of him

"stand up y/n" you heard Lea whisper to your ears and you obey her without looking up

"y/n!" she whisper at you once again then she suddenly make you look infront of you making your eyes widen

"hello prince Hyunjin, I'm Lea and this is Y/n" you both bow your head, Hyunjin look at you for a second then to Lea and give a smile at her.

You look away and shake your head while smirking 

he's still the same, why am I expecting, pathetic y/n

"I'm going to grab another drink!" Lea said with embarrassment on her voice because Hyunjin smiled at her and can't contain her happiness

it's you and Hyunjin again being left alone

this is ridiculous!  

y/n thought to herself and is about to leave again to go anywhere her feet leads her but Hyunjin grab her wrist.

you close your eyes tightly and sigh before turning around

"is there anything you need?" 

you gulp when you notice that his eyes is looking at you deeply, you wanted to remove his hand from your wrist but you felt like your feet has been glued on the ground 

"enjoy the night with me" Hyunjin said that to you then hold your hand making your eyes widen and your thoughts are fighting inside of you right now

"w-what are you talking about?" you can't lose right now that's why you intentionally try your best to remember and repeat the gossip you heard earlier about Hyunjin to serve as your resistance for your feelings about him

LOVE UNTOLD an Arrange Marriage [ Hyunjin x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now