Chapter 94 - Action!

Start from the beginning

After a while, we arrive at the studios, and the whole time i'm looking out the car window with wide eyes and a pounding heart.
I feel like a kid in a playground.
I've never been in real studios, or at least not ones this big, and now it almost feels like i'm touching everything i've always dreamed of.
"Do you like it?" Liz asks me from the wheel, and i look at her with a huge smile.
"Well, from that weird smile, i assume you do" she says, teasing me.
"You'll see, you'll like it even more inside" she adds, caressing my hand.
We enter one of the buildings, where many people go back and forth, but everyone knows perfectly well what they have to do.
"Wait here" Lizzie whispers to me and kissing my cheek, and then walks away for a moment while i look around.
Shortly after, i see her reach me with a man at her side.
"Y/n, this is Mike, a very dear friend of mine as well as one of the best producers around and Mike, this is y/n, my beautiful girlfriend" Lizzie says to the man, and i almost choke on my own saliva hearing her say those words.
Did she really call me her girlfriend?
"Nice to meet you, y/n. Lizzie told me you dream of working in the movie business, right?" he asks me, and i nod wordlessly.
"Well, one of these days we could have a chat, you and i" he says, winking at me, and i smile shyly.
"So, are there any free sets?" Lizzie asks him.
"Studio 7 is empty, you could easily use that" Mike replies.
"Perfect, and thanks again " she says, hugging him.
"You're welcome, Lizzie, and nice to meet you y/n" Mike replies shaking my hand, which i return.

"Did you seriously just call me your girlfriend in front of him?" i ask, my disbelief evident in my tone.
"Why, is it not true?" she says, smirking and posing the question rhetorically.
I can't help but admire her for this.
It's not an easy thing for her to do, considering she has spent years hiding in a shell, unable to truly be herself.
And to top it off, she was married to a man whom everyone believed she was happy with.
But now, step by step, she's making a lot of effort for our relationship.
The fact that she openly declares to those close to her that i'm her girlfriend means the world to me. It's a significant step towards being able to embrace our love openly, and it fills me with immense joy.
And the fact that soon we'll come out to the whole world, makes me even happier.

"Okay, now close your eyes and relax. Take some deep breaths and release all the tension" she tells me, gently caressing my shoulders and arms.
"Now, open your eyes slowly and look around" she says, guiding me.
I follow her voice and as i open my eyes, i see her standing in front of me, smiling tenderly.
However, there is nothing and no one else around.
"What do you see?" she asks me.
"You" I reply.
"And what else?"
"Uhm, nothing. It's just you and me" i answer.
"That's right baby, just you and me. And do you trust me right?" she asks, and I nod.
"That's perfect babygirl. Then remember, even on the day of the show, it will be just you and me. No cameras, no audience, no one else. I will be by your side the entire time, and you won't have anything to worry about" she explains in a soothing voice that calms all my anxieties and fears.
"Are you sure, Liz?" i ask hesitantly.
In response, she kisses my forehead and looks into my eyes.
"Of course, i've never been so sure honey" she says.
"So, shall we give it a try?" she proposes, i  look at her hesitantly for a moment, then nod.
"Close your eyes, and when you hear my voice, start acting without thinking about anything else. I trust you y/n"
So after this, i perform my lines effortlessly, and i can't even begin to describe the incredible satisfaction i feel while acting.
It's like i've completely liberated myself, and being in the spotlight no longer fills me with anxiety or fear.
Instead, it fills me with a surge of energy, pleasure, and excitement.
As i deliver the final line, a smile spreads across my face.
Lizzie rushes towards me and plants a passionate kiss on my lips.
"You were absolutely amazing baby!" she exclaims super happy
"Thanks Liz and you know what? I actually liked it. And thinking that i used to hate your course" i tell her chuckling and she does the same.
"I knew you had a talent for this honey. You were really great, and i'm very proud of you" she says, her eyes sparkling like green marbles.
"I love you" i whisper.
"I love you" she whispers back.
And there we stand, in the spotlight of that stage, our stage.


Oh oh oh Merry Christmas guys!🎅🏻 (I know I'm late)

This chapter is my Christmas gift to all of you, and I hope it makes up for my absence. I genuinely hope you enjoyed it.
I also want to wish you all a happy new year filled with incredible moments and personal growth.
May you find the best and happiest version of yourselves.
So i wish you all the best and happy holidays!

Oh and btw, there's something really important in this chapter that will resurface in the next book.
Let's see if anyone can guess what it is😌

See you in the next chapter (and new year)
Love y'll🤍

TEACH ME PROFESSOR  [Elizabeth Olsen]Where stories live. Discover now