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  " I didn't done yet baby ... "

Don't fucking tell more , you making me remember how I treat you back then , this time the attorneys words stammered ,become a low wisper ,  Taehyung can clearly hear a  hided sob out from the preety mouth of the arroagant attorney who wanted to cry so badly .. loudly but still putting an attitude of arrogant face for not to break the image he build infront of his  colligues , he don't want others seeing him as a cry baby that the elder can't help but hugged the man , hiding his face on his broad collar bone before sensing how his husband gonna breakdown any second in  infront of everyone ..

  " Did I  make you sad , or did i make you  embarrassed..if you don't want I will stop honey .. "

Taehyung whispered with his deep husky voice near to the face of the younger whose face situated on his shoulder now , hiding the red vulnerable crying face out from spectators with the help of his husband's broad shoulder , wetting the white fabric with his mucus and tears , it's a shame that he was only a inch small than taehyung , now he wish that he was just smaller than him that he can cry on his chest.

  " No .. complete the speech .. i wanna hear everything " , the attorney said while the elder smile and continue

   " Baby ... honey if in the future , I become a burden,  or I makes you embarassed ,  or you become bored of me , please don't kick me out of your bedroom or from your life .. just give me  my old room , near to the kitchen.. that will be enough .. may be i will not be happier like this but I will be glad to see  you and our son living your own life just like a year ago , and no more forgiveness babe , I can't forgive you cause I was already addicted in you that I don't know how to hate you . "

Taehyung  conveyed his speech , caressing the smooth locks of the younger , pressing a kiss on the attorneys crown , he continues, while  lone tears didn't even get permission to pour down on his tan skin , rolling downwards only to get scattered brutally.

   "  yesterday i read a manga .. the main lead happens to be a man who fall in love with a phycopath , his lover was a man who was stopping his urge to kill people just for his lover kookie  , they struggled a lot  .. when the story ends .. he said  , if you kills me I was happy to die in your hands , no matter what your .. no matter what you do ..I will always beside you .Today I promise you  kim jungkook.. no matter what you do.. no matter what your , I will stay beside you , even if you kill me with your hands , I was happy to die by you . I love you "

    "  ..fucking kim taehyung fucking as..asshole , you didn't know how much I love you idiot ..fucking idiot , I love you so much much .. sympathy to you , nonsense , I love you darling..I love you more than you think many times I have to tell you this 3 word babe .. I love you , you didn't know how I felt when you touch me  , fill this in your dimwitted   head  that I love you ..too.. how much time I have to tell this to make you understand that I love you .. I love you too dammit .. "

  The attorney cried out louder , making the spectators now understanding the site , the almound brown also can't help but cry , wrapping his arms around  the man's torso , hugging him tightly and crying harder , the both male makes their expensive wedding tuxedo filled with  the tears they pour,  saliva.. when they sobbed  and mucus ..when the got stuck their breath out of hard crying ..

Finally the sounds of  the low tides in the twilight calmed down , the partially rised moon come out.. the marriage just happened ,  somehow when the short attorney ask the sobbing males to exchange their rings .. they exchange it crying like a cry babies  at the same time , the ring were beautiful,  just a simple plane platinum rings , embroided  a tk on the metalic  surface . , and first in the spectators life they happens to see the great attorney crying his heart out like a cute baby , sniffing and wiping his red cherry nose ..the site itself  makes them awestruck , the travel to jeju didn't goes to waste after all .

 MARRIAGE IS A WONDERFUL INSTITUTION Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα