2. Touching

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Hinata isn't sure how it's even possible, but Kageyama has become even cuter than before.

After their Sunday date and awkward, sort of confession Kageyama had become a lot more attached to Hinata. Kageyama would take his place at Hinata's side whenever he could. And Hinata loved it. Even though the whole "I think your cute" things wasn't a real confession, Kageyama sure had answered back. After practice while walking home Kageyama asked with a stiff expression to hold hands with Hinata. Hinata didn't miss a beat before grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers together. Hinata swore he saw Kageyama smiling, and it was adorable.

When the went to part Kageyama was reluctant to let go of Hinata's hand as he mumbled a, "See you tomorrow." Hinata grabbed onto his arm and pulled Kageyama down to plant a nice wet kiss on his cheek.

He smiled, "Later Kageyama." he said cheekily and ran of leaving Kageyama holding his cheek in "awe."

Suddenly neither of them could go a day without any physical affection, whether it be holding hands, kissing cheeks, hugging, or when Hinata got a little too out of hand.

Now with their feelings out in the open, only between them at least, Hinata never wanted to hide how attracted he was to Kageyama. During practice how cool and swift Kageyama was would get Hinata's heart pumping and blood flowing until his whole body was burning. Kageyama being excited about setting was cute, when he'd get it perfect and land on the ground with a smirk, Hinata had to grab his chest as if he were in some lame shoujo manga.

And Hinata couldn't help but push Kageyama into the lockers after practice and make a complete mess of him. Running his hands all around his body and through his slick hair. On his tippy toes to suck on Kageyama's neck and collarbones. Kageyama's face was scrunched up with eyes shut and face red as Hinata gorged himself. Hinata grabbed the bottom of Kageyama's t-shirts lifting it up and over his head, tossing it next to them before leaning to kiss up his chest. Kageyama stared down at him flustered, Hinata looked up and smiled on his skin before leaning up to kiss his lips. Kageyama squirmed in Hinata's grip, "W-wait." he stuttered.

"What is it, Kageyama?" Hinata asked breathing heavily.

"My-my legs feel like they could give out at any moment." he whimpered, Hinata felt his throat close up as he nodded and they instead sat on the ground. Kageyama wrapped his arms around Hinata's neck, "Hurry up dumbass." Hinata chuckled and grabbed Kageyama's face to kiss his forehead. He leaned down trailing kisses down his neck, chest, arms, leaving no spot unmissed, sending shivers down Kageyama's spine. Hinata rubbed his hands along Kageyama's inner thigh, rewarding him with an adorable moan coming from Kageyama's lips, that excited Hinata more than anything.

Hinata loved taking control of Kageyama, and although he wouldn't admit it, Kageyama loved it too.

Hinata licked his dry lips, he was more than turned on now and looking down at Kageyama he could tell he was too. Hinata ran his hand down Kageyama's toned leg and leaned to his ear, "Kageyama," he breathed, "I re-"

Suddenly from outside they heard a voice yelling, "I'll be right back let me grab my jacket!" They both looked at each other with wide eyes before quickly standing up and brushing themselves off. Hinata tossed Kageyama his shirt and they both tired to calm down from their excitement. The door opened as Suga walked in, he spotted the two underclassmen and smiled, "Oh you two are still here?" he asked walking over to grab his jacket he'd forgotten.

Hinata nodded rubbing the back of his neck, "Y-yeah, we practicing a little longer."

"Alright," Suga replied, "Don't work yourselves to hard, see you tomorrow."

"See you!" Hinata and Kageyama yelled back in unison as their senpai left.

Hinata let out a long breath, "Well that was a close one, eh Kageyama?"

"Shut up." Kageyama muttered pushing Hinata and walking out the door, "Let's hurry up and go."

Hinata smiled and followed behind running up to grab Kageyama's hand as the continued to walk home.

kageyama is too cuteحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن