Dad!T.S. - Heartbroken

Start from the beginning

After you calm down a bit, he can't help himself as he asks "who do I have to kill?"

He feel a little better when he hears your little giggle against his chest, but he's still very worried and you both know he wasn't entirely kidding.

He doesn't rush you into talking, giving you time to put together your thoughts before starting to explain.

"I've been seeing someone..." you start, sitting up straight, sniffling, and he already doesn't like where this is going. "I'm sorry I haven't said anything, mom knows though..."

"Of course she does." he mumbles, a little offended you would tell her and not him, and Tony Stark was never one to not voice his thoughts. "Why didn't you tell me?" he was clearly hurt, pouting a bit just to amuse you. You giggle again as you answer.

"I'm sorry, but I know what you would've said: 'You're not allowed to date until you're 65'" you try to imitate him with a deep voice that makes him chuckle.

"Damn right you can't!" He says and you lighten up a little at his laughter and keep talking.

"I was going to introduce you soon, I swear! But then..." your smile falls and you can't stop the few tears that escape. "Today, while I was waiting on Peter, I saw him..."

You trail off and he holds your hand giving you an encouraging squeeze but still not pushing you. Then, in the smallest voice he'd ever heard you use, you finish your sentence. "He was kissing another girl..."

He wished you hadn't finished the sentence. You start crying again, quieter than before, but it still broke Tony's heart.

"Oh, honey..." He wraps his arms around you again, mentally planning how to kill and dispose of the body of the little prick, when he hears you again, your voice barely a whisper.

"It hurts, dad... why does it hurt so much?" you still couldn't stop crying, barely able to finish the sentence.

"I know, Tinkerbell." The use of your childhood nickname made you smile against the tears, the memory of how it came to be coming to the forefront of your mind.

You were about 6 years old, watching Peter Pan for the first time with your parents, when you started giggling uncontrollably.

Your parents gave you a funny look, expecting you to be sad at the part where Tinkerbell was dying and worried they were raising a little psychopath.

"What are you laughing at, Junior?" much to Pepper's displeasure Tony had started calling you that, sustaining that you were turning out to be just like a little version of him.

Your mom disagreed, but was slowly changing her mind, especially after what little six year old you said next.

"Daddy's just like Tinkerbell: if he doesn't get attention he dies!" you got out between giggles, making Pepper almost double over laughing as Tony started a tickle attack, a fake offended look on his face.

After that your dad started calling you Tinkerbell, not able to let go of your first sarcastic comment, against him of all people, but secretly very proud.

You were brought back to the present by your dad's words as he started rubbing your back.

"I know it hurts now, but it's gonna get better, I promise. Your first heartbreak is never easy, but the good news is you have your whole life ahead of you to find a guy smart enough to understand how lucky he is to be loved by you and never let you go."

Now, Tony Stark is many things.

He's a genius, billionaire, former playboy and philanthropist. He's an entrepreneur, a superhero, a savior. He's a role model, a caring friend and doting husband.

But, at this very moment, you can't help but be proud to call him your father.

You wish you could tell him that at the moment, but you can't find the voice to speak so you make a mental note to tell him later. Right now all you can do is hug him so tight you're not entirely sure he's able to breathe, but he doesn't make any attempts to make you let go.

The next couple of hours are spent between hugs, words of encouragement and Tony trying everything he can to make you laugh.

When he succeeds in lifting your spirits, you both make your way to the living room where all of the Avengers are now, Pepper included. You sit next to her and she wraps her arm around you, having already been updated on the situation, of course.

Everyone else seemed to have come to a mutual understanding of not pressing the matter, knowing you'll open up when you're ready and not wanting to upset you again now that you're back to your cheery self.

You're glad nobody's asking any questions, acting like nothing happened, exactly what you need right now.

You spend the rest of the day with your family, forgetting all about your broken heart, realizing you're better off without him.

At one point your dad whispers to you "I still need the name of the little jerk, so I can fuck him up" and you can't help but laugh, more glad than ever to be lucky enough to be a Stark.

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