Half of the journey was filled with lively discussions between Haru and Seishu about their favorite nintendo games; In the remaining duration, Seishu seized every opportunity to tease Kiyoomi.

When they reached their destination, Seishu pulled the car to a stop and cut the engine off. The banter and laughter continued on. "I still think Xerneas is just an objectively better legendary," Chiharu continued his debate with Seishu around the very nerdy subject of Pokémon. To that, Seishu gave an agreeing shrug, "Yeah, but I still like the evolutions in 'Y' better."

Kiyoomi leaned back, watching two people he cared about dearly converse with ease. Despite Kiyoomi being more of an Animal Crossing guy, witnessing Haru and Seishu's enthusiasm was heartwarming. Seeing the two of them so animated and engaged made him appreciate the sweetness that Haru so effortlessly carried with him, and it made Kiyoomi happy. It was as if he were infused with honey on the inside, a delightful and comforting tenderness that coursed through his veins.

Kiyoomi's parents retired a few months ago. Since then, they'd been fixated on redecorating the house and picking up hobbies like his mom's recent fixation on the piano. Kiyoomi thought it was sweet that they were savoring the fruits of their labor. But most importantly, it meant they were around more often.

The same could hardly be said about his siblings. Seishu had jetted off to Canada as soon as he was given the option by the tech company he worked for, and his sister, Hibiki, recently moved to Kyoto.

His parents had insisted that Chiharu stay at their house as soon as Kiyoomi broke the news about their relationship and Chiharu's visit. "That's so kind of them!" Chiharu had cried, accepting the offer the minute it was on the table, "Please tell them I said 'thank you'!"

Sure, it was kind, but as Kiyoomi jokingly quipped, "A Sakusa knows a Sakusa". He knew that his parents were partially trying to make sure Chiharu passed all their inspections and criteria because they were a tad skeptical. Keeping him under their roof was their way of putting Chiharu through a lighthearted scrutiny session.

Upon exiting Seishu's car, Kiyoomi helped Chiharu with his luggage and they headed inside the small apartment owned by their parents.

Kiyoomi felt like an only-child sometimes. With both of his much-older siblings out pursuing their careers, he was the only one that still lived in this old apartment. Luckily, Kiyoomi had managed to spam call his siblings and be enough of an annoyance enough to get them to come home for a birthday dinner.

The cast for Kiyoomi's 17th birthday celebration consisted of his parents, siblings, Komori with his sisters, and of course, Chiharu.

The moment the Kiyoomi, Seishu, and Haru stepped through the door, Haru seemed to make a tight bond with Hibiki's cat. Almost as if they'd been lifelong pals, despite the cat, Mochi, being like a grumpy old man most of the time.

Dinner unfolded seamlessly, Chiharu effortlessly finding rapport with Kiyoomi's parents, much like he did with Seishu. He effortlessly weaved through conversations and was even the master conductor for Kiyoomi's Birthday song chorus.

Unsurprisingly, Kiyoomi's extended family all adored Chiharu.

Even Komori's sisters had taken a shine to Haru.

But perhaps the most sweet thing about Chiharu was that he didn't let go of Kiyoomi's hand for a single second throughout the entire celebration. It was as though Chiharu had an invisible tether between his fingers and Kiyoomi's, refusing to let go. Thus, in doing so, everywhere Chiharu ventured, Kiyoomi found himself enveloped with warmth and laughter by his side.

Any trace of skepticism from Kiyoomi's parents seemed to evaporate in the glow of Chiharu's charm. Their joy in having him was palpable, and they embraced his presence like he was already family.

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