Before kyoko even knew what she was doing, she ran towards Lima and stood Infront of her.

Lima looked terrified seeing her little sister here

"What are you doing, moon-chan. Run from here. Please, I don't want it to hurt you."

She said in a very panicking tone but kyoko didn't listen to it.

She analyzed the curse. It was small and not more than a 3rd grade. Which she could easily defeat

She raised her hands, murmuring a powerful matra that her father taught her just Incase she ever needed it.

Lima watched, as soon as Kyoko swiped her arm from right to left, the monster busted, it's flash everywhere.

"Nee-chan, are you alright? I killed the curse. You're okay."

Lima looked at Kyoko with a open mouth, before tightly hugging her. Kyoko felt a broken sob come from her

"Moon-chan, baby, how did you do that. What was that thing? But thank you for saving my life."

The young girl shook her head, hugging Lima back as cooed in her ears

"It's alright nee-chan. I will explain everything to you but first let's go to our house. I am already on the way''

Lima nodded and they went for the ijichi house

What the little girls didn't know was a exicutive from the jujutsu higher ups saw them.
Ijichi was doing paperwork when a meeting from the higher ups were called.

Now he's standing here, Infront a room full of higher ups

"Ijichi kyotaka, we have learned recently, your daughter can you use cursed technique. And you will be required to send her to a jujutsu teacher. For training"

Ijichi's eyes waiden in fear and disbelief

He knew this day would come but never did he expected this day to arrive so soon

His hands started to shake

"Training, but she's just eleven! A child. She can't train now."

Some of the higher ups scoffed while others rolled their eyes

"She's not a child if she can kill a curse. She has a technique that should be controlled before she becomes a treat. You have no say in this as we have already decided it. Now go back to your duty. Bring your daughter tomorrow"

Ijichi looked at them in disgust and disbelief

Clenching his fists, he left the room

This is why he told his daughter never to use her cursed technique in public.
He knew these shitty higher ups will do this but to ask her for training at the age of eleven was even beyond him

Jujutsu training isn't pretty or easy. As a person who has been involved in this industry for such a long time, he knows what kinda hell you have to go through for jujutsu training, and no way in hell will he allow his sweet little angel to go through that he'll in such a long time

So here now he stood, out side a door as he took a deep breath before knocking the door.

After a moment, a cirtin someone opened the door. That person also looked quite surprised

"Ijichi what are you doing here now?"

Ijichi took a deep breath

"Gojo-san, I need your help."

Now Gojo looked even more surprised. In all these years of knowing ijichi, ijichi never asked anything from him. So it was quite a surprise but he could also understand the matter was serious. Looking at ijichi

"Come on in, let's hear what the matter is."

Ijichi went inside and started

"Gojo-san, my daughter, Kyoko, had a cursed technique since she was 4 years old. I never told anyone this because I wanted to give her a decent childhood. I didn't have any intention to keep her away from learning jujutsu. I just waited for the right time. But today, she saved someone from a 3rd grade curse and the higher ups found out. Now, They are demanding me to send her to training "

Gojo listened to all the information. Although from front he had a calm face, inside he was horrified for the little girl.

' a eleven year old girl!? Did the higher ups finally loose their shits! This is disgusting and I am ashamed that he even had to come to me for this. Don't they have normal common sense!!'

Gojo thought to himself

If he remembers correctly, the girl is only eleven years old from what ijichi told him.

He looked around, only to see the note kyoko gave him yesterday with the chocolate.

He took a Sharp intake of breath

"Gojo-san, please, I am begging to you as a father. I know is someone can save my angel, it's only you. Please, please do something about it."

Ijichi pleaded

Gojo sighed

This is one of the reasons why he hated being the strongest.

Ijichi never needed to beg. He was one of Gojo's dear friend who went through a lot with him.

And somewhere he also felt he had somekind of obligation towards the kind little girl

"You don't need to do that ijichi. Is the meeting still going on?"

Ijichi nodded, whipping his eyes.

Gojo got up, a deviliesh smirk on his face

"Leave it to me ijichi. If she's an angel, then as the heavens honered one, I have an obligation to save her"

With that, he left the room, going straight to the meeting room, barging in

"Hello, everyone it's me, your favorite Gojo Satoru."

Everyone made a disgusted face before asking Gojo politely what he needed

His smile went away

"I've heard what you ordered for ijichi's daughter and I will not let that happen. She will start training when she's older like everyone else."

One of the elders tried to say something but Gojo cut him off, saying

"I will not take no for an answer. If you say anything else, it will cost you greatly. I swear, I will not let you ruin that girls life. She's a child. She doesn't need any training now. If you try this again, will kill you."

Everyone looked at him with wide fearful eyes as Gojo let out his cursed energy.

As Gojo left the room, he was quite confused by himself. Why was he so protective over the little girl? He didn't know

But at last he thought, maybe it was because her kindness she showed him yesterday.

He rarely ever gets genuine kindness and appreciation, which the girl gave him, maybe that's why.

When he came back to his office, he saw ijichi nervously biting his nails. He shook his head

"Ijichi everything is fine. She won't need to come to training. "

Ijichi took a breath of relief

"Thank you Gojo-san. I will be forever in debt to you. Thank you so much "

"It's fine, tell your princess I said hi."

Ijichi gave him a grateful smile before leaving the room

"I hope you're gonna be alright, little kyoko."

Gojo thought to himself

But the question in his mind still remaind a question.

What was so special about the little girl? Why did he react the way he did? Why did he feel such a need to be so aggressive to protect the little girl?

The question always remained in his mind

7 rings | jujutsu kaisen x oc {Soulmate AU}Where stories live. Discover now