Chapter 13

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If you didn't read the first two books I highly recommend you do, otherwise most of this won't really make sense. Anyway, from where we left off:

Y/N's POV:

"L-Lunar...?" I mumble, confused as ever. "What...? I-I'm so confused right now... June? Wh-why are you here?" Just as I finish the phrase Lunar comes running. Her face full with tears, her teal eyes lost shine. Though I saw a slight sparkle when she was in my arms. In my arms she was crying tears of sadness and anger.
"Why would you do that June? Why- explain!"
"...Because (hater) said so."
(Hater)? The rando from the hospital!? No! 
"June! Please listen! They're not your friend! We're your friends! June please! I've been waiting SO long! We thought you where dead!" I scream loud. The rest of the Krew behind me, with Lunar at my side. Tears running down our faces. June looked confused. "NO! You guys... are- we're enemies!

Then, they  step in.

"YOU" I clench my fist, ready to knock some sense into that empty head of theirs. Thinking they could just waltz right into our lives in this time? Like that's gonna go with us. Whatever they have planned, whatever sick joke this is, it's not lasting very long. It ends now.

I approach calmly, walking straight up to their broken face, and give them a good stare. The I trip them, from their side and they come tumbling down to the floor. I stick my foot in their chest and tug on their hair. 
"AGHHHHHHH" They scream, my ears burst. Still, I feel happy, they're in pain, that's for sure.
Letting go of their hair, I punch them as hard as I possibly could, they continue to scream even louder. Am I enjoying this too much?
Then I start to think about Lunar, what would she think of this...? You know what? That's enough, I might be mad but I'm not a hooligan. I let go of their face, kick them a bit while going back towards the Krew-


They pounce in my direction, but Lunar pulls me towards her, avoiding the attack we pull away awkwardly. They keep trying to hit me, and now Lunar. Great, now she's got in this mess. 


They swing another fist at us, I quickly grab Y/n's hand stop it abruptly, along with everything else, except me and Y/n. Y/n gets ready to block, but then she realizes. "Uh helloooo?? Lunar- no one's moving." "That's because I froze them-" She gasps way too dramatically. "MAGIC?" "Uh yes- now let me explain, so obviously, as you can now see, I'm a witch! So yeh mAgiC" We giggle hysterically, "We only have a limited time though- so you might wanna move out the way- or we could just-" I knock over (Hater)- bye bye. Then me and Y/n push June and 'em out the door, on the porch, "Byebyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" I wave at them as I put my other arm around Y/n's shoulder and time goes back into place. They fall over. On the brick- ouch.

That is all

(502 Words)

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