"Sure, talk to you then. Bye Séan," Daithi said cheerfully and Séan hung up. Daithi slipped his phone into his pocket and looked up at Lui, the smaller man playing on his phone.

"Hey, I need to get ready for work," he said, Lui looking up and nodding. "That's fine, I can head home, let Mom know I'm moving in, and start packing. When do you get off?" He asked as he stood.

"I get off at 4, short shift today since I worked overtime yesterday," he said with a sigh and Lui smirked. "Poor dude. Mom let's me pick my hours as long as I work at least 30 a week," he said and Daithi rolled his eyes.

"I've also got school, I can't exactly work like that," he said amused and Lui's smirk grew. "And that's why I'm not in school too," he gloated and Daithi threw a couch pillow at him.

"Get out of here, I'll see you later," he said amused and Lui winked, gathering his things and heading out the door. Daithi rolled his eyes and headed to his bedroom, grabbing his uniform shirt and some clean jeans.

Once he was dressed, hair and teeth brushed, shoes on and items in his pocket, he left the apartment. He met Jon downstairs, the siren beaming at him.

"Right on time! Think I can get the employee discount for some ice cream?" Jon asked curiously and Daithi made a face. "I can get in trouble for that," he said amused and Jon stuck his tongue out at him.

"Boss doesn't have to know it was for me," he begged and Daithi rolled his eyes. "Yeah, fine. You walking with me?" He asked and Jon nodded, skipping beside him.

"Anything new?" He asked and Daithi shrugged. "Lui is moving in," he said and Jon frowned, stopping his skipping to walk beside him. "Really? Why?" He asked and Daithi shrugged.

"He said his mom was moving back to San Diego and he didn't want to go. Said he'd bring a futon couch and sleep in the living room," he explained and Jon tilted his head.

"I don't think Tyler will be very happy about that," he said and Daithi furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would he care?" He asked and Jon shrugged. "He cares about you and really doesn't like Lui," he said and Daithi frowned.

Tyler had been a bit distant since the night he'd stayed over and woken up with Daithi curled around him. Daithi had apologized, and Tyler had waved him off, but since then he barely reached out to hang much. If they saw each other Tyler always smiled, sure, but he never put any effort in.

"Well, Tyler isn't my dad, and if I want Lui to move in then I will," he said stubbornly, Jon just giving him an even look. "Alright," he said calmly and Daithi felt a flash of guilt.

They finished the walk in silence, Daithi lost in his thoughts. He really couldn't understand why no one trusted Lui, he hadn't done anything to them.

Daithi clocked in and let Jon use his employee discount for a box of ice cream bars, the siren waving cheerfully as he left. Daithi lost himself in the mindless work of his job, stocking, helping customers, cleaning, inventory.

"Hey Nagle, come here," his boss called about an hour before the end of his shift, Daithi heading over curiously. "Yes sir?" He asked, hands in his pocket.

"Bad news, Kelsey quit. But good news, do you want the promotion?" He asked and Daithis eyes widened. "Me? Really?" He asked and his boss nodded.

"You've been here a few months now, I've never gotten a single complaint about you, you haven't been late yet, and you work quite well. If you take it, I'll need about a week's training with you to learn a bit more of the store manager's work, but I think you'll be a good fit," he explained and Daithi smiled faintly.

"It won't get in the way of school right?" He asked and his boss shook his head. "I was a college student once too, I get how it is. We'll continue working around your schedule and making sure you have time for homework. So what do you say?" He asked and Daithi nodded.

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