⌜The plague⌟

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You lay on your bed, coughing. You roll to your back and sigh, the pain in your arms and back stinging. you've had the black death for around 3 days you've been getting worse, and there's not much hope left. a cold chill runs down your back and a pounding headache starts. you feel very cold despite wrapping yourself in a blanket. A sudden wave of nausea falls over you "HURL!"  your throw-up seeps through the cracked floorboards. half of your body drapes off the bed. "how many people have died?" "what's death like?" "I'm going to die....." thoughts like this swirl in your head. you can barely talk and the room is silent. the sunlight shines through the window and onto the floor, dust wandering softly. you close your eyes and let you final breath go, then it goes dark.

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