Double Date Go Insane

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His date’s name was Riki. Sunghoon started thinking he was actually losing his mind. Maybe he’d heard Jungwon call Jay as Jongseong at some point and that’s how he’d gotten that in his dream. Maybe Heeseung wasn’t real. Maybe he truly was going insane or maybe it was a coincidence, he could not tell.

For Jungwon’s sake, he tried to appear calm, containing the thousands of questions flying through his mind. He desperately needed time alone to think, what if every clue he’d gathered to point at Heeseung being real was just him looking for confirmation? What if Heeseung was just a random guy he saw once and he just gave him a name and personality? And it would make so much sense, too, why Heeseung acted just the way he’d like most. It’d make sense that Heeseung was his ideal, because he’d made him up. He couldn’t let his mind win like that; Jungwon needed him and Riki was starting to look at him weird.

“Ni-ki, stop glaring at him like that,” Jay hissed, causing Sunghoon’s date to complain and deny the accusation at the same time. inadvertently, Jay had given Sunghoon a second stroke.

“He doesn’t look okay!” Riki defended himself. “And I wasn’t glaring!”

“Sunghoon-hyung? Is there anything wrong?” Jungwon looked and sounded concerned. Sunghoon couldn’t have that, he was not going to be the reason the date wasn’t successful.

“No, no, I- I just…” he tried to come up with an excuse, a lie, but he was blank. Heeseung and his internal conflict didn’t allow him to think beyond them. “I need to go to the toilet, I’ll be back,” he stammered out and rushed to the toilets, though he didn’t know where they were.

Once in, he wasn’t surprised it all looked so expensive and open. The lavatory seemed made of marble and there were small gold decorations all over the place. Sunghoon ignored it all to wash his face and focus on calming down. He could not allow himself to have a breakdown at the beginning of Jungwon’s date. Jay had seemed pretty decent even if just at a glance, and he was not about to scare him off; Jungwon would never forgive him. He wouldn’t forgive himself. If this date with Jay was going to prove to be a bad decision, it better be his own merit.

It was so stupid, too. There was no reason why he couldn’t keep it in until after the date. Break down and revalue his perception of reality at a later time instead of in the very early stages of a double date. He needed to get himself together and back out there soon, though he’d rather they thought he had some serious bowel issues than what was actually happening. He was lucky no one had come in and seen him furiously rubbing water onto his face while muffling frustrated groans. That was, of course, until Riki came in.

“Damm, didn’t think you hated us that badly,” Riki huffed, though Sunghoon thought it sounded arguably like a joke.

“It’s- it’s not that,” Sunghoon countered automatically. He didn’t want Jungwon’s possible future boyfriend and friend to think he hated them. He didn’t like them either; he didn’t know them enough for either to be true.

“I’m just joking, Jungwon-hyung said you didn’t want to come, something about a boyfriend?” Riki explained, though it appeared that Jungwon had left out the fact that his boyfriend may not be real.

“I…” Sunghoon thought for a moment. He may as well be honest; not like he could look any more insane. “I was supposed to tell you that I wasn’t interested and had a boyfriend, that I was only doing this for Jungwon…” he explained.

“Okay,” Riki shrugged. “I’m cool with that; we can be friends, though, right?”

“Do you really want to be friends with this mess?” He pointed at himself, face and front of his hair wet, with some droplets having fallen onto his shirt. He had seen himself in the mirror, and he looked anything but sane.

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