~Frontispiece (searched it on google lol)~

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Hello, as a reader I usually skip these "thanks to" or "this book is.." parts. I don't know anything about writing in pure honesty, I am in 8th grade so you must assume that we learned about this at English, but I am a forgetful person. Right now I'm using Grammarly which is very funny. I get pissed sometimes because of those many underlined words. It's currently 12:42 am, My mom makes me sleep at 2 am on holidays or weekends. I don't have anyone to thank right now I guess. 

I write because I want to express what I feel and take out my anger anonymously, on this I want you guys to know how much it hurts to be a human and that you're not alone out there. I want to connect to people who have no one to connect to, like me. Well there are people who are out there to connect with us but you can't really trust anyone anymore, the feeling where you grew up and just keep everything to yourself. It hurts and a way I express these feelings is by writing. I never planned to be a writer honestly, I do it to relieve the feelings I go through. So if you're reading this I ADORE YOU!! Why? Cause I always skip these parts lol.

As a young writer thank you for reading this and I am honored to be a part of your life even for a second. 


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