Chapter 1: Leaving

Start from the beginning

"I did, and trust me, those books are NOT suitable for younger readers. Sorry."

"Awww!" Mabel pouted while Dipper headed toward the shelf where his favorite books were kept. "I'll just get this again." He said picking out The First Sibling Brothers Mystery.

"Hmmm. Might as well let you have that." The librarian said as the boy gave the book to him to stamp. "Think you're the only one who checks it out."

"Nah, I don't want to break up a set." said Dipper although he inwardly grinned at the idea of owning his favorite book.

After leaving the library the twins went about the rest of their errands: Picking up yarn from the sewing shop, buying bread from the baker, and getting pellets from the travel depot.

They stopped out the supplies store and looked at the display. There were butterfly nets, specimen cabinets, and a bunch of fancy writing journals. Dipper gazed longingly at one with a pine tree emblazoned on it in gold leaf.

"Do you think we'll ever afford travel supplies like this?" he asked, not looking at his sister. "Why sure we will bro-bro!" She answered cheerfully. "With the money Unk will make, we'll be able to buy up this whole store! We're gonna go out together, see the world, and be the best pair of explorers since, since, since those two!"

She gestured towards the wooden sign above the shop door, upon which was painted the image of two men standing back-to-back. It was a popular image around town; a small tribute to the Lost Heirs. Dipper looked at the sign and at his sister. She still had that big lip-biting smile she got when she was excited. He couldn't resist smiling back.

"Thanks sis. You always say the nicest things."

"Doesn't she?" came an all-too familiar voice. The twins cringed simultaneously and turned around to see a tiny well-dressed white-haired boy standing behind them.

"Hello friends!" he chirped in his high-pitched voice.

"Hello Gideon." They said together. Gideon was the son of the local ruling noble family, the Gleefuls. And he was the most obnoxious person you could ever meet. He thought that just because he was cute and rich that he was something special. And the fact that everyone adored him didn't help things either. He had once given an accurate prediction of an upcoming rainstorm, which led the town to believe that he was psychic. Add to that the fact that his parents gave him unlimited political authority and the boy was a ten-year old juggernaut.

"I saw ya'll walking down the street and thought to myself; "Now there are some folks I haven't seen in a while." You know it's been ages since you've come over for dinner."

"We've been... busy." Mabel told him hoping to end this quickly. She glanced around looking for an escape route. All she saw was a few passersby cooing over the cute little noble talking to the cute little plebeians. "So precious!" gushed one person. "Like a scene from a painting." gushed another. No help from any of them.

"Well you can't be too busy sense you have time to window-shop. By the by, have you met my new friends?" He snapped his fingers, and a group of large, scary-looking thugs stepped into view, led by a hairy giant with glazed-over eyes.

"These fine fellows are part of my new program; rehabilitating former prisoners to safeguard the community. Ghost Eyes here is especially caring."

"Pleased To Meet You." The man rumbled as he gripped Dipper's entire arm in his fist and shook it, not letting go. "You're Even Cuter Then Gideon Described You."

"Th-thanks." Dipper said as he strained to release himself. Heedless of the boys' discomfort Gideon took a step closer to Mabel.

"You know my offer still stands." He said wiggling his eyebrows. "You can stay at my mansion the both of you. It has far more then you could ever get in that dilapidated shack." Mable crossed her arms. "We happen to like that shack." She huffed, "And our Uncle Fiddle takes perfectly good care of us. We're getting ready for a road trip right now."

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