Chapter 1: Leaving

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"Say, Ford. Tell me the story again."

Stan, you already know that story. It doesn't end well.

"I know. Tell me anyway."

What's the magic word?

~sigh~ "Please."

Very well. Once there were two brothers, twin brothers, who went everywhere together. They didn't have many other friends. But that was alright because when it came down to it, you only needed one. Together they went on many adventures, solving mysteries and making great discoveries. They could feel each other like an extra limb, and knew that even when they were separated, they would find a way to be together.

Then one day... something... bad happened to them.


Gravity Falls wasn't a big town. Nor was it easy to get to. Being built in the midst of a magic forest was surprisingly tough on trade. But it did have some things to its' advantage It had a good lumber and mining business. And it was home to one of the Nations' noble families. And to the Pines twins, it was their whole world.

"Stupid hat!" Dipper grumbled as he snatched his cap up from the ground. It was windy and this was the third time it had blown off.

"Maybe you should just clip it to your hair." Suggested his sister Mabel. They'd been walking through town together, ignoring the glances people kept giving them.

"Those were the ones I was telling you about." The town sheriff whispered to Tad, a salesman who'd managed to make it through the woods. The man had fallen into talking with Sheriff Blubs, Deputy Durland, and Toby the town crier. The four men glanced across the street at the two twelve-year olds making their way to the library.

"Oh, well, they don't look dangerous." Tad said, "In fact, they look kind of cute."

"Yeah they're cute alright." Said Toby, fiddling with his bell. "Smart too. Blew right through their classes at the schoolhouse. But I tell ya, when they get an idea in their heads, look out! Especially the boy."

"T'aint all their fault." Interjected Deputy Durland, "It's that caretaker of theirs, Old Man Mcgucket. He used to be one of the most brilliant men in town. Nowadays, he holes up in his shack making crazy tinker toys for fun."

At that moment, Dipper and Mabel both looked across the street at the little group, who quickly looked away. Once they were out of earshot, Blubs shook his head.

"Aint it a shame that a sweet pair of kids like that should be brought up by a cukko?

   The little bell rang as the twins opened the library door. It was a one-room building filled with bookshelves, most of which dwelt with fairy stories, but others handled science and geography. From his desk, the librarian looked up. "Back so soon?" he asked, "I think that's a new record."

"I couldn't put it down." Said Dipper pulling the science book from his satchel; "There are so many new discoveries and theories in here. Did you know there are dents on the moon caused by shooting stars?"

"I did not know that." The librarian chuckled as the boy stood on tiptoes to set the book on his desk. He was a burley black man with tattoos on his face: hardly the type of man you'd expect to peddle books, but that was part of his appeal to the twins.

"Do you have anything new?"

"Not since last week."

"Did you look at getting those werewolf books I asked about?" Mabel asked eagerly, pressing her chin on the desktop.

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