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•♫•♬•  "i can't care 'bout anything but you" •♬•♫•

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.•♫•♬• "i can't care 'bout anything but you" •♬•♫•.


SADIE ESTELLE MONTGOMERY, a girl with a yearning for love and affection, whose heart craves the very thing she cannot find. a kindred spirit, someone to fill that void and make her feel whole. but the search seems hopeless, no end in sight, her heart becoming colder with each passing day. 

once a girl filled with light and joy, but now just a shell of her former self. since her mother passed away from a stroke shortly after her younger brother was born, nothing has been the same. her violin no longer makes music, and her ballet shoes just gather dust in her closet.

the montgomery's, a family, picture-perfect with joy and light, but tragedy struck, their world turned to dark. a mother, beloved and gentle, with kindness and grace, but now, a light that is lost and a void replacing it. though, somehow they still seem perfect, sadie and her brother visiting their grandparents whenever possible. her father drowning himself in what he's good at, work. her grades remaining perfect.

only one person managed to make sadie feel loved, even if only for a short amount of time, she would take any type of love she could get. this person was tristan dugray. sadie and tristan had been secretly hooking up since the summer, no one knew of this fling except for her best friends, aylina, rose and becca, who desperately tried to talk her out of it. sadie knew it was temporary, she knew that she would have to end things before she got hurt, but no matter how much she tried to break it off, something about him always drew her in, it was like he had some sort of power over her, something that she could not resist.

she hated everything about their situation. she always told herself that she hated him, but no matter how much she tried to convince herself, she knew it was a lie. deep down, she actually hated herself more than anyone or anything else. she hated herself for loving him, she hated how she could not say no to him, she hated how she would agree to everything he wanted to do. she hated herself for being sad and lonely when she actually had no reason to feel that way. she hated herself in so many ways, but she'd never tell anyone. she'd never let her sadness get in the way of others' happiness. that was her job, a pathological people pleaser, sadie montgomery was a fool. a lovefool.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐋. // tristan dugrayWhere stories live. Discover now