5K SPECIAL ( edited )

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" huh.. this feels so nice. The sun's rays are so warm today. I can't believe summer came so fast. " I said to nobody in particular as I drank a sip of my cocktail while enjoying the sun on the beach. It has been five months since I started teaching and my life had been going smoothly. I made new friends and memories there. There was some troublesome students but except that everything was fine. Today's a special day too.

Today I was meeting my brother and his family. I can't wait to meet their daughter, my niece. It feels like it has been ages since I met them......"  " Uncle Koko!!!"  A small child resembling my brother ran towards me and hugged me as she saw me.

" Hey yoshimie!!" I said hugging her back. She had big eyes with maroon hues and pure black hair that tinted red at the bottom and had fair skin. She was about 7 years old. " Hey michi," a tall slim man with a woman on her side told. He had small maroon eyes and maroon hair.

" Hey yori" I greeted him back. " Nice to meet you kokoshibo. Isn't the weather amazing" a woman said. She had pure black hair and large blue'esh black eyes. "Hey uta. And yeah it is amazing" i said as I looked at clear blue sky. " So how have you been? is little yoshimie doing good at school?"
I said looking at her as she let out a giggle. " Yeah she has been. Straight A's all week." Uta said pinching yoshimie's cheek.

" Oh really. Then you deserve a gift. Well done yoshie.!!" I said giving her a high five. " And anything special about you guys." I asked once again looking at them. " I found out that I was 2 weeks pregnant a week a go other than that nothing special happened " uta said looking at her husband. " Oh congrats guys." " Do you here that. Your gonna be a older sister." I said bouncing her up on my arm. " Yep and I hope it's a girl so I can dress her up in pretty clothes."

She said giggling. " I hope it's a boy." I said looking at her. " Now let's buy you a present shall we. And you're mom and dad can rest here while we go look for a nice present." I said balancing her on my shoulders. " Okay have fun you two." Yorichi and uta said waving us off.

" Where do you wanna go to first." I said looking up at her. " Umm there." She pointed at a toys store. "Ok here we go." I said holding on to her for safety. " Yay!!"

At the toys store
" Hmm these all look so nice and cute. But I like this more." She said as she picked up a hallow kitty plushie from the plushie aisle. " We'll anything else?" I asked holding her hand. " yeah! That one for the baby!." She said shaking her haedup and down as her shoulder length pigtails shook. " Then let's go pay" I said Gidding her towards the counter.

" Is this all sir " the cashier asked. "Yeah." I said talking out my wallet. " It would be 15.99 sir." The cashier said. " Here you go. Keep the change" I said getting the plushies towards a jumpy yoshimie. " Thank you come again" the cashier said waving at us clearly pleased. " Do you want anything to eat or drink." I asked looking at the ice cream parlour across the street. " Umm ooh an ice cream please." She said getting excited again.

" Oh hey kokoshibo." A familiar voice said to me. " Oh hey daki. What are you doing here." I said as I recognised her as the cooking teacher and one of my first friends i made at the school. " Oh just enjoying a trip to the beach with my brother" she noticing a confused looking yoshimie holding my hand with a plushie in her other . " Oh and who is this little cutie. Is she you daughter?" She asked as she patted her head. " Oh no this is my niece, yoshimie. Say hi yoshimie " I said as I looked at her.

" Hello I'm yoshimie and who are you"
She asked smiling a toothy grin. " I'm daki a friend of your uncle. Nice to meet you yoshimie." Daki said smiling and crouching to match her hight. " We'll nice meeting here kokoshibo and yoshimie but I have to go before gyutaro panics and start searching for me" she said waving to us as she left.

" Let's get going." I said crossing the streets to get ice cream from the ice cream parlour. " One strawberry, one vanilla, and two chocolate" I said holding onto yoshimie so she don't run. " It will be 20.00 dollars sir. " I nodded and gave the money and the worker gave me the ice creams. I handed her strawberry ice-cream and I got the others.

We got closer and closer to where yorichi was at as we went near the sea. Randomly splashing water on our legs. " Hey guys bought you some ice creams." I said handing each a ice-cream. " Oh thank you kokoshibo" uta thanked me as she looked towards her daughter. " Have yoshimie been a trouble." She said as Yoshimie gave a narrowed look towards her mother and continued eating her ice cream happily. " Not at all . In fact I met a work friend on my way here and she greeted her like we'll mannered little look lady."

" That's quite nice. And is this ' work freind' a girl" yorichi said in a teasing manner. " Well yes she is but she s only my friend and nothing more " I said scratching the back of my head. " We'll let's leave the two brothers catch up and we will go play in the sea!. "Uta suggested thinking that we needed some privacy.

After they were gone from earshot yorichi started to talk. " Bro you do need to get a girl. Are you planning on staying single for ever" he directly said. " I know I know I haven't dated anyone. I'm waiting for the one" I said laying down. " And how long would you expect it to take " he asked. " I don't know man " I said closing my eyes. " I'm serious michikatsu. Atleast date a girl. Let alone getting married."
He said.

" R- right" I said very unsurely. " Just remember" there was so many school girl after you. You were like the mystery guy. Girls used to ask me for your number when I came to pick you up. Even some boys came" he said also laying down. " And trust me when I say, you could bag many beauties for your looks and your qualities. Aren't there any women your interested in at work" he asked fully turning around. " Nah and again I won't come work at you company if your gonna ask that." I said opening one eye as I fixed my head under my arms.

" But why not though. We could really use your brain in the company you know" he said crossing his arms. " But the salaries good there and I like working as a teacher" i stated. " Fine, if your interested on working there let me know " he said as uta and yoshimie came towards us. " Shall we go eat some dinner guys. The sun's setting and yoshimie is pretty much tired ." Uta said carrying a yawning yoshimie in her arms.

" Okay I'll pack up a few things and meet you guys at the parking lote." I said as I stood up and helping yorichi up too. " Okay " uta said as they went to there car.  I packed my things and looked at the sun one last time and I went to yorichies and uta s car.

" The sun looks beautiful tonight"
Hello there fello readers, so this the 5k special hence the name. So do you like this chap let me know. Thursday will be the next chapter be prepared for that. Ooooh the ending of this story is coming soon. It s like 10 chaps away! So that's all today and I hope your having a great day or night and as always

Remember to be hydrated and drink plenty of water

Your beloved
~ A/n chan~

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