So we where walking around looking for forever 21 & just talking, then I see adriel. Which was pretty cool so I tell my sister & we wanted to pass by him & act like we didnt see him & him say hi to us & then Abby came out of no where. & where pretty close but not to close & I can here him say:

Adriel: hey babe, ready?

Abby: yes (: *kisses his check*

I was so confused. I didnt know what to do so I ran as far away as I can with bianca following me & asking what happen & I told her everything & then she went to go look for him. It was pretty hard to convince her not to, I tried so hard but she wanted to so bad. & she found him & went up to him. I hid so he didnt see me. & I can see them like adriel looking confused abby smiling & bianca looked furious.
I didnt know what to do.

So I called Bianca & then we decided to leave.

So the next day was monday. I told neana everything. And then everyone was talking about some new girl who is flawless. I wanted to go see her so neana & I looked for her.

Then someone said its manda. Like the girl who roats yulema. God I love manda. Her tweets are the funniest! And I found her & then neana said, come sit with us. And she accepted. And we can here yulema yelling out"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE"

Manda: I bet you guys, she's looking for me. Ha

Neana: if you dont slay her I dont even know what I'm going to do !!

Manda: haha dont even trip (;


manda: something wrong with it? Sorry didnt know it offended you so much.

Yulema: It doesnt offend me at all stupid bitch.

Manda: then why did you point it out?

Yulema: you know, fuck them. Why do you keep tweeting about me?

Manda: Why do you keep giving me reasons to tweet about you!

Yulema: Adleast I have a boyfriend.

Manda: bruh your boyfriends name sounds like how much clothes you have "OOOHNNOO"

Yulema: Fuck you! Stop tweeting about me! Im leaving!

* as yulema was walking away *

Manda: where you guna go? Not your moms house thats for sure.

Ulee: Whatever, idgaf what you tweet about me, I just know I'm cuter than you ;*

Manda: Thats what YOU think, not your mom (;

Ulee: OHNO said I am & thats all that matters to me

Manda: Oh yeah cause I forgot you dont give a shit about your fans nor your mom.

Ulee: I dont like you, I'm leaving

Manda: Good for you? Bye(x

*Ulee walks away*

I was kind of hoping they would fight because Yulema needs to get her ass kicked.

But it is Mandas first day & she said she dont "wana pull a yulema" & not graduate (x! But adlest Manda got goals unlike Thot-Lema whoops

So after that we where still at lunch just having fun, making memories and then I see Adriel from the corner of my eye but I don't give a shit because after I saw him Abby ran to him and kissed him on the check so at the point I'm just staring at them ignoring whatever is around the world & then someone said "YAYA" & that like snapped me out of that & I turn around and its Juan.

He was gesturing him hand for me to go over there but I dont know if I wanted to or not.

Manda: Just go to him (:

Neana: Yeah. What's the worst that can happen?

Me: Neana, you know...


Neana: Ok I'll tell you when yaya goes to go talk to hi-


Neana: *whispers* yes

As I am walking that way my heart starts to race, not sure why like cmon its just juan? This nigga better not make a move.

Me: Um, Hi

Juan: Hey I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I love you very much and I know you do to. I want to make us right. I want to know I can talk to you as a friend. I would like to be more than a friend but I know you dont. Abby and Adriel are clearly happy together and I want you to feel the same way, happy. And I got you something.

Me: Juan, thats really nice & all but I just dont see myself with yo-

Juan: Yet (;

Me: Smooth, What exactly did you get me?

Juan: I'll give it to you for a kiss?

Me: No, Bye

As I'm walking away Juan quickly grabs my arm and kisses me.

I kissed him back.

I felt butterflies.

I felt sparks fly.

I felt everything.

Juan: there you kissed me (; Follow me (;

I felt

I feLT


And he led me into a classroom that hasn't been used in years.

Like at school?

Have some class foo.

And when I walk in Manda, Neana, Ashley & many more of my friends where in there and they all circled around me, I was confused???

Where is juan???

What is going on???

Then they all backed up and they where in like a strait line both side and I look at the floor & there are rose pedals on the floor.

And I began to follow them and juan was at the end, with flowers in one hand and in the other nothing and he says..

"Yaya, Ive known you even before you went to this school. And ive loved every since moment besides the times I wasn't with you.. I want to be more than just a friend. I mest up a couple of times, and I regret every single moment of it. I love you so so much. I would love you even more if I can call you mine, baby girl, princess, my WORLD! anything to make you happy. I would go to the ends of the earth for you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I was almost in tears, I have never loved anyone more than him at this moment, this is like a life goal. And IM LIVING IT!!

Me: Juaaaan!! Yes!!

And all of our friend clap like he just proposed to me or something.

He carries me then spins me around.

Then I KISS HIM. not the other way around !! I'm more of a you do all the work in the relationship but fuck he was perfect.

Juan Is Love, Juan Is LifeWhere stories live. Discover now