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"Maria! Have you se-" Y/n said but she cut off because Y/n see that Maria has Y/n dress on "Seen what Y/n?"   

Maria says Looking at y/n while taking pictures 

"Why do you got my dress on Maria?, Don't you have your own dress, Why are you using my  dress that I pay for?"  

Y/n say getting a little angry at Maria using her dress while Maria did not ask y/n if she can wear y/n dress

 "Will I thought you will be okay If I wear the dress?" Maria says

"But you didn't ask me if you can wear it because I was going to wear it so I can meet Jasmine but you are wearing it now...So what am I going to wear now?"  Y/n says to maria while getting louder at her

"Don't Get loud now because You didn't wear a dress like go wear something else like You being childish over a dress" Maria says yelling at Y/n while cross her arm

"So wsp?.All you do is bark but you don't want to run up" Y/n says while fixing her bonnet and fixing her shorts 

"Wsp Y/n..We can fight right here and right now because I know you are not really busy because You don't even hang out with Jasmine like that" Maria says while uncross her arm while square up and fixing her hair 

Maria runs up on Y/n and Y/n grabs her hair 

"Let go of My hair bitch!" Maria Yells out loud 

"No I'll keep clocking you over and over, until you give me back my dress back* Y/n while she bops Maria

Y/n slams maria on the floor and drags around the room, Y/n falls on the floor, Maria and Y/n fights on the floor like some cats, Maria kicks Y/n left legs while Y/n punches the back of Maria head... "WTH! WHY ARE YA'LL FIGHTING!" Their mom says while grabbing Y/n arms and breaking up the fight while carrying Y/n out the room and Taking Y/n to her room.

"Why was Ya'll fighting?" Y/n mom says while asking y/n while Cross her arm and closing the door behind them.

"She had my dress on and she didn't ask , So I said Run up and That what happened" Y/n says while She cleans up her face and fixs her black bonnet. 

"Will y/n it okay Just try and talk it out with Maria, You guys can't fight over a dress now you guys are family so talk it out" Y/n mom says smiling at y/n.

Y/n get up and goes in maria room 

"Hey Maria, Let talk." Y/n sits next to Maria

"Hey Y/n" Maria says

"I'm sorry that I got angry at you for having my dress that was so dumb of us" Y/n says while Laughing a bit 

"Yeah we is so dumb for fighting over a dress" Maria says while laughing out loud

"So how are you and you know Tana doing? You are so lucky to have a boyfriend that is so nice" Y/n says while laughing at maria

"Shut uppp Y/nn it's not funny and me and tana are doing great, He is so nice to me and his home boys very cool too" Maria says while covering her blush and smiling a bit 

"Awww I'm so happy for you maria now don't break up with him, Ya'll so cute together!"  Y/n says in a happy way

"Thank you y/n..wait why don't you have a boyfriend yet?" Maria says while looking at y/n 

"Will I'm just shy to ask some boy I like out and I don't know if I'm ready" Y/n says in a nervous voice

"I get it y/n, I can set you up with Tana friends is that okay?" Says Maria while putting her arm over Y/n  and smiles at her

"Let me think about it because I need to meet them, I can't just date them when I haven't even  met them yet" y/n says while thinking about what Maria Just said to her.

"You can meet them and tana now or later and don't even worry about it too" Maria says in a soft voice to Y/n while smiling at her

"W-Wait now?! Who is going to drive us there? and what if I look bad? or My hair gets messed up while we get there" Y/n while over thinking what is going to happen if she was going to look great for them except tana 

"What worry about it not a big deal, So you want to meet them now" Maria says laughing her ass off 

"sure I guess..Just this once" Y/n sighs and puts her hand on her forhead

"okay Let's get ready now" Maria says while jumping around and getting out her outfits


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