Everyone clapped their hands when Miss Paula finished her speech. We were ordered to prepare for the final show, so everyone was assisted by the staff.

As we stood up, I saw Miss Laos approaching me. I stayed still and waited for her to reach where I'm at, then she grabbed my hand, pulling me to a place where the girls weren't occupying the place that much.


I was frozen to where I was standing when Miss Laos grinned, turned her back, and faced the wall. I was weirded out by her actions, but I suddenly felt a warm hand snaking from my waist to my tummy, sending too many shivers all over my body.

"Good luck later," Michelle softly whispered and planted a soft kiss on my shoulder.

I turned around and greeted her with a longing smile. "You planned this with my roommate; that's why she's like that?" I asked, pointing at Miss Laos, who was still facing the wall. Michelle looked at her and started laughing. I took that second to applaud myself for having a very good taste.

Have you seen her? She's too fascinating.

"Anyway, Anntonia..." She said, looking at me with so much softness. "Best of luck later. I wish to see your performance, but I always come before you."

I buried my face in her chest as she embraced me. She was swaying me with her, and it felt great. "Good luck, Dee. I can't wait to see what's in store for us."

"Okay, okay. We have to go!" Fabienne appeared out of nowhere, trying to pull Michelle, and Miss Laos instantly turned around to hold my arm.

"Are they coming?" Miss Laos asked.

"The girl started looking around." Fabienne confirmed.

I sighed and stared at Michelle, who was obviously feeling stressed about this situation. I feel guilty for putting her in this kind of relationship that requires hiding. She must want this whole thing to be comfortable and freeing for both of us.

I went closer to her and removed the shades that were at the top of her head and replaced them with mine. I wore hers, and mine is now on her.


That was the only thing I could think of to assure her that everything might be so hard--the pressure, the presence of Max, what we have, the coronation later, and everything, but I am with her to face them.

She smiled at me and pinched my cheek. I grinned widely when she did that while scrunching her nose.

"Just kiss or what. You're taking too long."

"Fabienne!" Miss Laos scolded her and teased to kick Fabienne.

"Okay, my apologies."

"I guess I'm just obeying orders." Michelle stepped closer and kissed me on my forehead before she was pulled by Fabienne. She was already a few steps away when she looked back and sent a flying kiss, which I pretended to catch.

"Damn. That's too much sweetness." Miss Laos said and tugged me with her so that we could go back to our room.

"Thank you. You're the best." I genuinely said to my roommate. She smiled at me and nodded.

"Always for the two of you. We are a team."

I wish I could do the same for her and Fabienne. They might never be vocal about what they actually have, but one thing's for sure. One has hidden feelings for another.

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