Do whatever you want, man - VIII

Start from the beginning

The officer nodded, "that's all i needed to know." He gave Bruce a small smile, and Bruce didn't return it back. "Your parents would prefer you go home with them." He said, standing with Bruce.

Bruce bit the inside of his cheek, but before he could say anything the door to him and Vance's room opened. Vance walked out and was about to approach Bruce when he spotted the officer. He immediately got tense and it was clear he didn't know what to do. "It's okay, Vance," Bruce spoke softly, approaching Vance instead. "He was here cause my parents I guess called me in as a runaway."

Vance sighed of relief, glancing back at the officer. "So..does that mean you're going home?" Vance asked.

"Yeah," Bruce sighed, "but we can meet up again. Like..last night." Vance smiled, and Bruce couldn't help but do the same. "The fields?"

"That's good for me," Vance said, "same time or.."

"Same time," Bruce winked. Vance giggled, hugging Bruce before he left.


3:05 am

"I'm already running late," Bruce mouthed to himself, frustrated. As he crept down the stairs he couldn't help but feel watched. He glanced around the room, but nothing.

Then.."where are you going?"

"Amy!" Bruce whispered in shock, jumping back at the sight of Amy in the living room. "Why the hell are you up at three in the morning?! We have school?"

"Better question is why the hell are you sneaking out again?!" Amy huffed, rolling her eyes. "Mom and dad ought to find out and you'll be in even bigger trouble."

"If you shut your mouth they won't find out," Bruce growled, furrowing his eyebrows. "Now go to bed, I have somewhere to be." He said, slipping his sneakers on and grabbing his keys. He heard as Amy huffed as he closed the front door.

Vance sat at the bench, staring up at the night sky. It wasn't a clear night, barely any stars showing, but it still was pretty to Vance. He just wished Bruce would be next to him, admiring it with him.

3:42 am.

"Sorry I'm late," Bruce whispered, walking up behind Vance. "I took what was supposed to be a 5 minute nap but turned out to be a 4 hour nap." He laughed.

Vance laughed softly, watching as Bruce sawtooth awfully close to him. He didn't really mind though. "It's cool," Vance shrugged his shoulders, "it's been a hell of a day. Well, I guess yesterday was a hell of a day."

It went silent for a moment. "Yeah, it was," Bruce mumbled, lying his head on Vance's shoulder. "I'm still awfully tired though."

"Okay, go ahead and go to sleep," Vance offered, sneakily wrapping his arm around Bruce's torso. From afar they looked like a couple, up close it looked like that too, but deep down Vance felt himself freaking out. His heart was racing and his face was getting all warm.

Several minutes passed, and it was very quiet. Sounds of birds laying to rest and Crickets waking up were almost the only thing. The occasional car would drive through the street outside of the park. "I like being with you, Vance," Bruce whispered, into the air.

"Huh? Yeah?" Vance smiled widely, feeling his heart rate pick up again.

"Yeah," Bruce smiled, allowing his free arm to lay across Vance's lap. "I feel as if I could tell you anything. I mean I love being with Robin and Finney and all them, but I can't really be fully me with them, you know?" He started to talk and talk. "And I mean, this is gonna sound weird, but I feel like you could never judge me."

Vance smiled, looking at Bruce. "Same here, man," Vance mumbled, looking back out at the stars. "And...god, I can get lost in your eyes, man. It's like they're so deep and full of emotion and I can't help but look into them for hours."

Bruce could feel his face warm up, "thanks." It was quiet for a moment, but Bruce spoke up again. "I love your curls," he giggled, "they're so soft and golden." Vance could feel as Bruce's hand snaked up and started to play with Vance's hair.

"Thanks, man," Vance breathed, feeling himself smile.

Woop! The sound of a police siren wailed in the distance. Vance checked his watch, 4:04 pm. "Damn, it's already four am," Vance sighed. "C'mon, we ought ta' get you home." He said.

Bruce groaned, but knew Vance was right. "Yeah."

As the two approached Bruce's house the porch was thankfully empty. The radio played quietly and the street lights hummed seemingly along with it. Vance walked Bruce right up to the front door, but before Bruce even took out his key he turned to face Vance. "So..we gonna do that again?" He asked, a red tint on his cheeks.

Vance smiled, the same red tint appearing on his face. "Yeah, anytime you'd like to," Vance replied.

Bruce stepped forward and hugged Vance tightly. "Thanks for always being there for me," he whispered into the night air. He backed away, a hand entangled in Vance's curly hair. He could see an odd look in Vance's eyes. A look of happiness and comfort.

"No, Thank you for being a good guy to me," Vance shrugged his shoulders, putting his hands on Bruce's sides. "I really think you might've changed something in me. I don't feel like absolute shit all the time now. I'm not angry at all." Suddenly one of Bruce's hands landed on his cheek, pulling him close. He looked from Bruce's lips to his eyes, which were looking at his lips.

"Do you..mind?" Bruce whispered, his breath hitting against Vance's face as he locked eyes with him.

Vance knew what Bruce was implying. He really didn't mind. "Do whatever you want, man," Vance whispered, leaning a slight bit closer, the butterflies in his stomach fluttering around. 

Before anything more could happen the locks to the front door started to unlock. The two quickly separated as the door opened. Thankfully, it was just Amy. "God damn it, Amy," Bruce sighed, shaking his head. "I thought you were mom or dad."

Amy giggled, "yeah, whatever. I just had to convince mom you weren't sleeping well and that I had finally got you to rest, so that she wouldn't walk into your room and find you GONE." She had an annoyed look on her face as she looked at Vance, who returned the look. "Now get your ass inside before I have to lie for your sorry ass again," she said to Bruce, who scoffed.

"Bye, Vance," Bruce sighed, facing Vance. "See you tomorrow?" He asked casually as if they weren't about to just kiss.

Vance hummed, nodding. "Bye, Bruce," Vance nodded, turning away as he walked off the steps.

I am on a rollll

words: 2386

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