1//~princess nandini~

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"Bring me that horse

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Bring me that horse. Now!" I ordered the servant on my right from my palanquin. Sushma or Sushila, whatever her name was walked over to the man standing by the beautiful black horse that would make an excellent addition to my collection.

I didn't know how to ride horses; my father and brothers had never taught me. The truth was, they were extremely overprotective of me as I was the youngest and the only daughter after three older brothers. My mother had passed away in childbirth so they were the only family I had and people I held most dear to my heart.

The amount of love I had for my three older brothers and my father could not be put into words but I could put everything on the line for them including my life and my Sinhalese pearl necklace.

And they deserved it because they pampered me with every luxury. There was nothing in this world that I wanted but couldn't have.

As my servant talked to the old man, I looked around the market. Various craftsmen had set up their stalls at the largest fair Rajputana saw all year. I had already sent some of my stylists to pick out jewelry, dupattas, vases, pots, sandals, and anything else that I would like.

My stylists have been with me for my entire life, that is seventeen whole years. They knew what I liked so there was no need for me to go out amongst the common populous on my own. They would come back with mounds of new gifts for me in just a couple of minutes.

My attention turned back to the servant and the older man with the horse. It was taking too long to hand the man the pouch of money and come back with my new horse. Was the older man refusing?

But it couldn't be.

Everyone in Jaisalmer knew who I was and they also knew well that 'No' wasn't an acceptable answer if the Princess was asking.

Perhaps, this man wasn't from around here and if that was the case, I was more than happy to forgive his ignorance... once he gave me my horse. Besides, there were many travelers at this market so it was possible he did not know that he was talking to Princess Nandini's servant.

Then, a much younger boy came and told Pushpa to leave. Had he just asked my servant to leave? Without what I had asked for?

I had enough.

Sushmita walked over with her head bowed in shame as it should be because she failed at such a simple task that I had asked of her.

"Princess-" she began.

"Enough. I will see to it myself," I declared as the boy about my age was preparing to leave with my beautiful horse.

The servant on my left rolled out a soft blue carpet for me leading up to the boy so I could walk over and talk to the boy myself. I was wearing my Persian sandals which were not made to be used on this dusty, dirty, and uneven ground. They would get completely ruined and besides I couldn't risk some stupid stone puncturing my sandals and consequently, my foot!

Last year, I accidentally scratched myself on a sharp edge when entering the palanquin and it had started bleeding. The pain was unbearable and I watched the palanquin that had hurt me burn from my room the next day upon my eldest brother's orders. After that, my father only got me palanquins that had been verified to have no sharp edges or corners. Still, that injury had taken its toll on me, and ever since, I had to take additional precautions.

Another servant that I did not recognize opened up an umbrella (it was mid-afternoon with the sun blazing on my face) and Sushma helped me out of my palanquin. My four servants along with six soldiers walked with me to the boy and my horse. I told my servants and soldiers to wait six feet away from me (except the one holding my umbrella because the Rajputana sun was no joke).

The man started laughing as I approached him.

"Is something funny?" I asked.

"No, no. How may I help you, madame?" he asked. He was handsome enough for a peasant but my nose wrinkled involuntarily as I took in his sweaty, dusty clothes. Peasants, I tell you, have no idea how to behave or how to dress. Does it hurt them to wear clean clothes? Why did they always look like they had come right out of the coal mines? I couldn't look at him for too long, it was simply unbearable.

"I want that horse," I replied.

"Well, the horse is not up for sale. He belongs to me," the boy said audaciously.

"There is a price for everything. I will pay you more money than your family has seen in generations but I have picked this horse to be mine," I said politely and with patience.

"Badal is my friend and not up for sale," the boy said rudely.

"I do not think you understand who I am," I said ready to give him one last chance. "I am Princess Nandini of Jaiselmer and no one says 'no' to me. I shall forgive you for your ignorance because I am kind but I want my horse!"

"Well, kind princess, there is a first for everything," he said and bowed casually before beginning to leave. I was not some courtman's daughter, I was the PRINCESS. I deserved respect, not a casual bow.

"That is enough!" I yelled. "No peasant like yourself says no to me. Soldiers! Sieze the horse at once and I want this man arrested this instant!"

My six soldiers rushed to form a shield around me and the other ten soldiers waiting by the palanquin charged toward the unruly, unmannered young man. I moved one of the soldiers out of the way as he was blocking my view. Of course, I wanted to see this audacious boy getting arrested.

The peasant fought my soldiers as if it was as easy as eating Ghevar. He was infuriating me and dancing on my very last nerve.

He managed to defeat my incompetent soldiers and climbed his horse.

"I will make sure you get off that high horse of yours, Princess Nandini.
It will do you well to get your head out of the clouds and wake up to reality before we meet again," he said to me in the most disrespectful tone I ever had the inconvenience of hearing.

"The next time we shall meet is when you are in my captivity. You will pay for this," I warned as he rode off into the distance.

"Incompetent Fools! All of you!" I yelled at the soldiers nursing their injuries. They began murmuring apologies but I had it with them. No loser shall be in my service for a minute longer.

"Fired!" I yelled. "All of you. I will let Father know as soon as we arrive at the castle,"

I stomped back into my palanquin and drank a cup of water. That had been exhausting and for what? I didn't even get the horse and for that, the peasant boy will pay. I will make sure of it.

As soon as I got to the castle, I told my Father everything that had happened. He fired all the guards and consoled me and my brothers ordered for the entire kingdom to be searched for that audacious peasant boy.

A/N: New story. Expect weekly updates on Friday at 7 PM (Indian Standard Time)

[8:30 AM EST]

First OG story, I'm so excited! Wish me luck <3

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