Chapter 1

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I was sitting in an alcove, reading for my next class, which happens to be potions, when I feel someone plop down beside me. I look up to see James sitting there, smiling at me.

"What's up, James?" I ask, closing my book to give him my full attention.

"I have a bit of a dilemma that could use your brilliant brain. You know how I tend to date a lot?" When I nod my head, he continues, "Well, my little cousin Rose isn't a fan of it and she threatened to write to my parents and our grandma about it unless I can show that I am Sirius about a relationship."

"Okay so how can I help with that?" I ask, one of my eyebrows raising. James sighs.

"I was kinda hoping you would be my fake girlfriend, to appease Rose." James' brown eyes look so pretty when he is sitting so close but I mentally shake my head to remind myself that James is asking me something. I look down at the potions book in my lap, trying to collect my thoughts.

"You want me to be your fake girlfriend so your parents don't find out about the fact that you can't keep a girlfriend for more than 3 weeks?" I ask, making sure that I got what he was asking me right.

"Yes, although 3 weeks is incorrect, it's more like 2 months." I give him a sceptic look.

"Okay fine." James starts slightly cheering, when I continue, "But, I want the full James Potter girlfriend experience, the flowers, the flirting, the dates, the pet names and no, and I mean no flirting with other girls. Especially if you want Rose to believe it."

"Agreed!" He says, really happy about this.

"We will draw up a contract during lunch, meet me in the kitchens and don't be late." I stand up and walk off to class and I hear James jogging to catch up to me.

"What? We have the same class and this way, I can't be late." James points out, causing me to roll my eyes. All throughout Potions, James, who sits near the front, keeps looking over his shoulder at me and smiling that really stupid charming smile of his. When class ends, James stops at my desk and waits for me to pack up my stuff and the two of us head off to the kitchens to draw up the contract. The house elves smile when they greet us and we sit at the little table in the corner and I pull out a piece of parchment paper.

"So the first rule is no flirting with any girl." I say and James pipes up, "Add that you can't flirt with anyone either, for fairness." I nod my head, agreeing and adding it.

"Is the relationship lasting now until June?" James nods his head instead of speaking as he has food in his mouth.

"Third rule, no telling friends about the contract." I say.

"Not even Freddie?" He asks.

"Not even Freddie, I won't tell Will." Will is my best friend and someone I tell everything to.

"Fine." James pouts.

"Final thing, no pranking me during the duration of the relationship." I say, putting my quill down to start eating my lunch and see James' shocked expression.

"Why no pranking?"

"Well you are known for pranking everyone, including your relatives. If you won't prank a girl, Rose might believe it more that you are indeed Sirius about this relationship. Which is the goal of this." I point out and James thinks about it for a few minutes before nodding his head.

"Okay now we both need to sign it." I sign it before sliding the paper to James and handing him my quill to sign the contract. Once the contract is signed, James and I eat in silence and once we finish, we have 30 minutes til our next class.

"Scenic route to class while holding hands?" I ask and James nods his head before holding out his hand to me. While we walk down the corridor, James swings our hands between us and everyone stares at us and starts to whisper. We get to class 10 minutes early so instead of going in right away, I lean against the wall next to the door while James stands in front of me. While we were walking, James was saying the cheesiest lines, trying to get me to blush.

"All of those are horrible, do they actually work on girls?" I ask, shaking my head while softly laughing at him.

"Yeah they do." He smiles at me, "Why don't you try one out?" I purse my lips, thinking for a minute.

"If I had to choose my best day ever, my finest hour, my wildest dream come true, mine would be you." I smile softly and watch as James starts to blush and bow his head slightly bashfully.

"I have to admit that that was a good one."

"I know it was a good one, you are blushing." I smirk and poke one of his reddened cheeks. He gently grabs my wrist before sliding his hand up to mine and interlocking our fingers. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see a small crowd of people who seem to be watching James and I with fascination. James must have also noticed them because with his other hand, he reached up, tucking his hand into my hair, pulling me closer before pressing our lips together.

Kissing James was everything I thought it would be. The kiss was soft and sweet and absolutely perfect. Our lips seemed to fit perfectly together like two puzzle pieces meant to fit together. I never wanted the kiss to end but unfortunately we need air to breathe and then the bell rang.

James sits beside me in class and drapes his arm across the back of my chair while listening to Prof. Clarke drone on about some defense thing, that I definitely should have been paying attention to but sitting next to James, especially after that kiss, was distracting me. I knew to James this was a clever ruse to fool Rose but to me, that kiss is the kiss I have been dreaming about for two years. When the bell rings, James has to tap my shoulder to get my attention to let me know that class has ended.

"You okay?" He asks, as we walk down the corridor with no destination in mind.

"Just thinking about the mountain of homework awaiting me in my dorm." I tell him, lying a bit because the mountain of homework was in the back of my mind but the kiss was occupying most of my brain power.

"Ah, that makes sense. It seems like we have more homework this year than last year despite not having any major exams at the end of the year."

"Well we are in N.E.W.T level classes this year." I point out and he nods his head in agreement.

"Well I have the same mountain of homework, want to go to the library after dinner to work on it together?"

"Thinking this will turn some heads and make your cousin believe this more if you're seen studying on a Friday night in the library?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup! And I know her favourite table so we can be in her line of sight." I shake my head but agree to meet him in the library at half past seven o'clock. The studying goes well, a quick couple flirty remarks from James directed at me, him and I helping each other do our homework and we did catch Rose's eye when we stayed there until the curfew bell rang.

James walked me back to my common room and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek before walking away to go to his common room. I sigh and tell the password to get into the common room and see that my best friend, Will Zabini, was waiting for me on one of the couches. 

The Fake Relationship Contract ♥ James Sirius PotterWhere stories live. Discover now