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My eyes fluttered open while my head was pounding and I felt lightheaded. I covered my mouth and rushed to the attached bathroom near the futon I was laying on. I gaged as I puked in the toilet. Morning sickness maybe. Or the dangerous douse of poison I took in yesterday. " Oh right...I fought Giyoko yesterday with..... " a-Akira!!!" I yelled as panic rose within my stomach . I ran out out of there. " Akira !!! Where are you??" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Then a sudden smell of floweres interrupted my senses. I immediately was on high alert as I looked back towards the smell was coming from. " Looks like your up from your little nap." A soft gentle voice said to me as a lady in her late 20's or so it seems appeared Infront of me. This demon had violet eyes and a gentle smile on her face. Her hair was neatly put in to a bun and a hair pin was stabilizing it. She wore a elegant black kimono with a floral pattern as she looked vividly at me.

She looked as if she was a normal lady but when you can sense fighting spirit and has enhanced senses. Such as hearing. Fun fact is that humans heart beat was a normal pace. In case of a demon their heart beats faster than any human so their hearts beats are different. So with enhanced hearing you can tell the difference in a demon and human even if the demon looks and acts like any normal human

" A- aren't you a demon. " I abruptly asked squinting my eyes. " Yes I am. And I'm also a doctor. And you shouldn't move with you being poisoned. And with a baby bump you should definitely not be walking. So I will accompany you to your room and give you some medicine to stop the rapid pace of poison going through your veins." She said gently as she came closer and brought me back to the room I was previously in.

" Who who are you. Do you know where Akira is." I asked as I sat down in a table area. Then I noticed that I was in a comforting yukata with my hair down. A clump of hair fell in the middle of my face. " I am tamayo. A doctor. And infact I do know her. She is a close friend of mine. " She said as she fetched a bottle and a cup and poured a liquid in it.

" How how did you find us " I asked as I received a cup of green liquid. " The locals found you first and the local doctor tried to treat you both by slowing down the poison. Then I came there and took you here. My home and work place to further treat you both. Akira contacted me by a letter saying to come to the town you both were in soon as possible. And on the way I got delayed because of a demon attack and I stayed to help the villagers that were attacked. " She explained as I chugged down the medicine I was given.

Immediately my tongue came in contact with a bitter taste as I gulped the medicine down my throat trying not throw up. " Now may I ask where is Akira." I asked as I looked at her dead in the eyes. " Unfortunately she is in a coma due to the overdose of poison and was in critical condition when she came in but I stabilized it saving her life and now she's in a coma as I told." She said it got me all panicked again when I heard the words she spoke.

But I managed to keep calm. " How did you know I was pregnant. " I asked a very obvious and dumb question. I internally slapped my self for asking a question that was so obvious by the huge bump on my belly. " Akira layed out some information for me before she fell in to a coma. And i comformed it when i checked up on you. May I asked some questions about this pregnancy."

She said she her self getting seated Infront of me. A table was the only thing between us. " I am 6 months pregnant. When I was pregnant I stoped eating human flesh instead I started to eat human food to gain energy. And I can walk in the sun but only between evening to afternoon. In the afternoon when the sun is at its brightest my skin reacts to that by giving me uncomfortable and red rashes. The most intriguing thing is that muzan has no control over me as I some how got rid of the curse that that resides in any other demon.." I said as tomayo listened with her mouth a gapped.  She shook her head and looked at me again.

" Speaking of which, who is the father of the child or children ." She asked. "Eh you will be surprised when I tell you " I said feeling a tad bit uncomfortable. So I explained all of it from the start. I didn't miss any corner as she listened wth a lot of focus. ( no intimade parts though if you are wondering. )

"That explained alot of questions. And this a first if it's kind. And if he get to know that you can walk in the sun for even a little, that man will do anything to get you in his grasp. He will even try to hurt you and the child inside you. After all he is a heartless man who only cares about himself and only himself " tamayo said as she looked down in to her lap.

" By the way, how long had it been since we were found." I asked again speaking up after a little while. " About a week or so." She said in a monitored voice. " I have been in a coma for a week and Akira is still is." I said to confirm what I heard was right. She nodded as she spoke up again. " You were healing from the damage you took so your full energy was on healing so presumably you fell in to a coma. As you are a demon a former uppermoon at that it took less time as a human would do " she said quietly.

" May I go see her " I asked as I waited for a reply. After a moment or so she decided to nod and I took it as a yes.

I quietly entered the room tamayo lead me to as I saw a uncouicios Akira on a futon unmoving. It pained me to see her with huge purple swelling all over her face and body as she was heavily bandaged up. There was a IV bag connected to her wrist as the rise and fall of her chest being the only indicator that she was a alive. Some of the bandages was soaked with blood and I rushed over their as I silently fell to the floor heartbroken by the fact that my best friend was unconscious, and injured because of me and nobody now's when she'll wake up.

" I'm so sorry Akira it's all my fault. Your wounded because of me. Why does everything and everyone I love end up dead or hurt." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks and countinued to fall to my lap. I grabbed one of her palms and held it as I put my head on her stomach and countinued to cry. My eyes got heavy and I didn't noticed that I fell a sleep on her .

| A few hours later |

Tamayo pov
I entered the room Akira was in with a tray of food for both of them to see that kokoshibo sleeping next to Akira peacefully. " Poor souls. He must be devested when I told him she was in a coma." I thought as I put the tray of food on the table and left them to be in peace.
Hello there fello readers how's the chap. So this is the after math of the whole fight and this is a decent chap I think and THANKS FOR 5K, speaking of which the next chap will be the special so yeah expect it on Sunday or next Thursday so yeah that's it for today and I hope your having a great day or night and as always

Remember to be hydrated and drink plenty of water

Your beloved
~A/n chan~

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