Penguin's Birthday [EX]

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*Just a little birthday chapter for Petra, sorry for two special chapters in a row! The next one will be an actual chapter, I promise!*

*Petra POV*


"Morning, birthday girl," Rosemi said as I woke up.

"Hm... oh, it is my birthday, isn't it?" I ask, and Selen chuckles.

"What, did you forget your own birthday? And I thought Mumei had a bad memory," Selen joked.

"Who's Mumei?" I ask, and she just sighs.

"Yeah, I forgot that you wouldn't know her, she's just a friend of mine, don't worry about it," Selen tries to quickly move on.

"Oh yeah, she was the girl who had you break that detective Watson girl out of jail, right?" Rosemi asks Selen, just leaving me more confused.

"Huh? Wait, what's going on right now?" I decide to ask, but Selen just brushes that off.

"I said don't worry about it, it's nothing," Selen reiterates, and I know pushing it won't get me anywhere.

"Ugh, okay. You're a real mysterious gal, you know that?" I jokingly ask Selen, and she gives me a cocky smirk in response.

"Oh, I know-" before I can hear her finished, I am tackled back down on my bed, and am now in a hug.

"Petra! Happy birthday!" I hear Maria exclaim, hugging me tightly.

"Ah, Maria?! Um, thank you?" I awkwardly ask as this girl is now laying on me.

"Maria! Stop that, stop that this instant!" I hear Reimu yell, pulling Maria off of me.

"Aww, come on Reimu! Let me have this!" Maria complains in a childlike manner. I'll admit, it was pretty adorable.

"Please stop hugging my girlfriend," Elira asks, now walking into my dorm room.

"Ugh, is everyone gonna come in here? We do not have the room for everyone in here," Selen asks, annoyed.

"Yep!" Finana responds, also walking into our dorm.

"Happy birthday by the way, Petra," Reimu says, having now set Maria down.

"Yeah, happy birthday, love," Elira chimed in.

"Alright, we done with the walk ins? We're at room capacity here," Selen complains, but I see my darling Elira get a devious smirk upon her beautiful face.

"Well, we could always make a bit more room, couldn't we?" Elira snidely remarks, causing a glare to come from Selen.

"And what is that supposed to mean-"

"Happy Birthday Petra!" I hear Pomu's voice ring from outside, and Selen's eyes widen.

"Shit... gotta go, have a good birthday Petra!" Selen immediately states, quickly opening our window and rushing out.

"Hey, Selen! Get back here! You must face justice!" Pomu immediately rushes through the window, following right behind her.

"This is the 2nd time this has happened, what's going on with them?" Finana asks.

"It seems to be their idea of some couple's role play. The detective and the thief, like Chiyomaru and Masquerena!" Rosemi announces.

"Or Joker and Akechi!" Elira enthusiastically states.

"Or Kokichi and Shuichi," Maria adds.

"Okay, I get it!" Finana yells, exasperated.

"Okay, um... now what?" I ask, and we all just kind of awkwardly stand around. Well except me, I'm sitting.

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