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I was walking home from my successful toxicology exam. I've been trying and failing this exam for the longest time so the success made me incredibly happy and grateful. I knew I could do it.

Now I was going to celebrate it properly. Me and my friends decided to go to a concert that was taking place in Prague that night. It was going to be a bit of an adventure since we had nowhere to sleep and had to wait till the first-morning train to travel right back. And I was so excited. It was a few days before Christmas and the last thing I'd do with my friend's group until New Year's. And we were going to have so much fun.

I was planning to wear a super cute punk outfit and was gonna feel sexy and dance, none of which I'd done in the longest time.

I got back to the apartment and told my roommates that I passed the exam. One of them hugged me rightly lifting me from the ground and turning me around.  We all packed our stuff for the night and headed to the train station to meet the rest of the group.

One of the guys bought me a latte for my exam and we all got on the train. There we were just chatting about our plans for Christmas and New Year's and about everyone's exams and stuff. I started taking photos and decided to put one on my story, tagging the band we were going to see and the club where the concert would take place.

Soon I heard my phone make the sound of a new message received. It was my ex.

"You guys are coming to Prague and you didn't tell me?" He asked.

"Yeah, sorry. I forgot to mention it. We're going to see vbps :)" I replied.

"Can I join you?"


I couldn't be any less bothered by his messages. He's been throwing me breadcrumbs for weeks and I guess I was now just over it so whatever. Originally I didn't want him to go and that's why no one invited him. But now I didn't really care anymore.

We were eating at McDonald's in the centre of Prague near the club where the concert was about to take place in a few hours. I received another message from my ex.

"Hi. Where can I meet you? I'm already in the centre."

He lived in a small town near Prague so that's why he texted me that. I sent him our location and closed the chat.

Soon he arrived giving everyone a big smile. He came to me last after greeting everyone to hug me. I returned the hug inhaling the familiar scent wondering whether it still had the same effect on me as before. He took my hand and pushed sometimes into my palm. Then he closed it and pulled away from the hug. I gave him a weird look.

"I missed you." He whispered.

I couldn't say I was surprised but also, I was kind of shocked. Couldn't really explain it. I knew he was mine and I knew he'd come crawling begging to be with me again. But I wasn't expecting it now.

I looked at him suspiciously and then checked the thing in my hand.

It was a necklace.

A silver necklace with his initial on it.

Like in the Taylor Swift lyrics.

"What the heck?" I mouthed and wanted to give it back to him, but he was already gone talking to someone else. I became annoyed. After weeks of not talking to me at all. After telling me he just didn't love me and that he was pretty sure he didn't want a relationship with me. After I gave him a gift and he wouldn't even try to give anything back. He now walked in here uninvited and gave me the most romantic gift ever?

What the actual fuck?!

I got myself together and put the necklace into my back pocket giving him an angry look across the room. Then I went to sit back down avoiding any more eye contact with him.

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