cautiously, had alicent walked into the room with the door closing behind her, brown eyes looking over the seated woman and there the racing in her heart picked up. taking a small intake and exhaling, alicent parted her lips to speak "zaenya.." she called out first continuing to take small steps deeper into the room

no response was given

alicent frowned "zaenya" she called again

zaenya felt her foot tap against the marble floors

one, two

"speak to me ...please"

three, four

alicent had grown anxious at the silence "you cannot ignore me forever" she said hoping to allude an answer from the latter, which to her luck it did—but not what she intended

a chuckle, short and spiteful had came from the tall woman as zaenya shook her head "hm" she chuckled some more as the tapping of her foot swiftly changed to the bouncing of her leg "i suppose this is my own doing" had the woman finally said

the once emptiness in her head now rushed with various emotions and thoughts as it intended to drive zaenya to the brick of insanity, to fuel the chaotic and murderous thoughts floating within her at being so stupid

so fucking naive

for being right, no matter convincing herself that she was wrong "i believed that you could be different ..change somehow but how wrong was i"

alicent picked at her cuticles blinking away to blurriness that was caused by her unshed tears threatening to spill from her eyes "what was i to do" she said quietly, more so to herself than zaenya

but zaenya caught her words as she scoffed "really alicent?" she tore her eyes from the floor and snapped them to the brunette, alicent nearly flinched back at the harsh look but stopped herself "you would fall into the clutches of a man that holds no love nor care for you and let him treat you as if you're his toy, doing as he pleases and you obliging so easily, hanging off his every word" anger was the first emotion to reveal itselfs in zaenyas body language—fist itching to clench and body tense

the brunette let out a shaky breathe "he is my father" she said once more quietly

zaenya furrowed her brows "what?" she stood

alicent now met the hard eyes of zaenya "he is my father, he does what is needed for the good of the realm" louder was her voice now as the obvious air in the room shifted

the tall woman scoffed out a dry laugh "do you hear yourself?" she couldn't not believe what she was hearing "he plans to cause a war where all would die, a war that could've been prevented if he had the common sense to accept that a woman will sit on the throne"

the brunette shook her head "rhaenyra is a danger, she will cause harm upon my children when ascending the throne, aegon is the rightful heir–the kings firstborn son" the manipulations otto had spawned into alicents head over the years had shown all at once right before zaenya, a far gone look in those brown eyes that zaenya could not comprehend once held tender and care—she wondered if it was real or just part of their spontaneous plan

it was still for a moment with zaenya looking for something in alicents eyes "is this who you wish to be?"

that question seem to hit alicent hard "what?" she blinked

"betraying a trust not earned by all, taking their vulnerability into your palms and misusing it as you see fit by the order of your father? did you not think for once that all this tragedy you've faced would've been left behind if you had just allowed yourself to be free from him?" that anger slowly turned to the hidden pain making itself known

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