
zaenya is respectful when it comes to touching women, especially since she knew how alicent was when it came to physical touch unexpectedly without the brunette initiating it first

"just wonderful" grumbled zaenya throwing the covers from her body and getting from her bed

just then a knock sounded on her door before it opening quickly revealing a roughed up sam with his armor barely on his body "what the fuck sam?!" zaenya looked to him bewildered at his sudden presence

the man panted "i ..almost ...died!" said the man between heavy breathes

zaenya deadpanned brushing past him to the bathhouse "and you came to me why?" she questioned washing her face to wake her up more and wanting to rid of her hangover

sam gaped "you're suppose to help me in times like this!" exclaimed the man slumping down on the chair

the woman rolled her eyes "what happened?" she finally asked

the man sighed dramatically "on my way here to start my duties as your guard" he emphasized purposely causing the woman to send a glare his way "her grace and her very scary guard stopped me, she then proceeded to threaten my position if i went off and got drunk with the kings niece failing to do my duty to protect you" he quickly explained still recalling the scary look on her face when she spoke to him so calmly but the threat was clear

zaenya furrowed her brows "scary guard? you mean that crissy lad?" that particular sentence caught her ears not knowing he was back after the last encounter he and zaenya had, she assumed he resigned from his position since he didn't seem fit for it in zaenyas eyes

sam frowned "is that all you caught from that?"

the tall woman rolled her eyes once more "t'was your own fault for sleeping outside my door when i told you clearly that you're off duty" she shrugged not caring if alicent threatened him, i mean did zaenya think she was in any wrong for what she said? no, no she wasn't there for the brunette was innocent in zaenyas mind and sam was in the wrong

"i was making sure you actually made it to your room?! then i ....accidentally fell asleep" he defended himself, very poorly might i add

zaenya just looked to him blankly "so you disturbed me for this when i could've been doing something actually worth my time?"

sam's jaw dropped "i thought we were friends!"

the tall woman ushered him up and led him to her door "and you're getting on my nerves so off you go" she shooed him away and shut the door before he could get a word out

zaenya had spent the entire day searching for alicent in hopes to apologize for what she did the night prior, she had given it alot of thought of firstly how to apologize since she never has in her whole life so she doesn't quite understand the ne...

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zaenya had spent the entire day searching for alicent in hopes to apologize for what she did the night prior, she had given it alot of thought of firstly how to apologize since she never has in her whole life so she doesn't quite understand the need to now—it just became a norm to her ever since she had been around the brunette

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