"alone?" she questioned turning her route the other way as her legs took her to the direction on where alicent was

"yes" sam tried his best to keep up with zaenya's fast steps "is it not disrespectful to not call you princess? because it feels very unusual not to address you as such, you know since i'm now your guard and all" rambled the man

zaenya sent him a weird look "did i not just say to not call me that"

sam shook his head "i didn't! i was just expressing the concern of not calling you that" he quickly explained

"i don't like hearing the p word so please refrain from calling me that, also you are not my guard" she grumbled fastening her pace hoping to lose the fat man but he still caught up to her surprisingly

"but her grac-"

"shush" she shushed him turning the corner, sam swallowed his words and kept still as said

zaenya searched for the sight of alicent through the ray of trees and flower patches and successfully found the brunette sitting peacefully sipping her tea but the tall womans eyes narrowed upon seeing a man sitting opposite her

her walking filtered as she eyed the two, the way the man sent smiles at alicent as if he wanted her to fall for them, whatever he was saying made the brunette return the smile even letting out light laughs occasionally—this made zaenya's brows twitch in annoyance

sam bumped into zaenyas back not knowing she had stopped walking "apolo-" again he was cut off

"you told me she was alone" zaenya hadn't removed her eyes from the two "why is there a creature breathing the same air as her?"

sam was utterly confused at the tall womans reaction towards alicent and the man talking but for his own safety answered zaenya "her grace was alone when i left to find you"

zaenya couldn't stand looking a second longer "simon" she ushered the man to her

"..it's sam" he sheepishly corrected only to receive a annoyed look

"i want you to escort that thing from the red keep once i make my way over there" she informed him

before sam could question her again, zaenya bounded over to the two near the fountain, bits of their conversation entered zaenyas ears but she couldn't care less on what they were talking about—only focused on not snapping this mans neck for even looking at alicent

"there you are" alicents conversion was cut short when the voice of zaenya was heard, her brown eyes looked away from the man and glanced to the tall woman strolling her way over

"oh zaenya" alicent let a smile slip on her face at the sight of her as she stood causing the man to follow suit aswell letting his eyes meet zaenya's. the tall woman neared the two giving alicent a gentle smile in greeting before she turned to the funny looking man "lord tyrell, i would like you to meet the kings niece, zaenya targaryen" she introduced not even noticing that zaenya was moments away from committing murder upon this man drifting his gaze to alicents lips when she spoke

"the prince daemons daughter yes?" he finally looked to her

zaenya gave a tight lipped smile "that would be correct yes" she said stiffly

alicent turned to her "is there anything you need?" brown eyes gazed over zaenyas face as it always do before looking in the tall womans eyes of two

"just wanted to discuss some ...personal matters" she gave her quick glance to the tyrell man getting more annoyed just by him breathing so loud

"oh!" the brunette looked to him sending him an apologetic look "you wouldn't mind if we continue this some time later, won't you?" she asked politely

the tyrell man smiled charmingly again

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