"Do you have mini rolls? If so can have two of them?" I ask.

He nods his head in understanding and walks away. I make my way to the drink cooler and grab a water bottle chugging most of it. I sit down on the bar stool and scroll through my phone for a bit before taking a look at my emails. I answer a few questions the designers had for the bakery space at the office and just as I finish sending my response Asher steps into view from the living room. He walks over to me and kisses my temple.

"The food should be ready soon." I inform.

"Did you order anything?" He questions.

"I did, don't worry." I comfort.

He nods his head and sits down on the bar stool next to mine.

"So, what kind of plans do you have while we are away?" I question.

"I have a few but you are not going to know about those until we get there and are doing it." He smiles.

"I hate surprises." I whine.

"You don't hate surprises; you love them you just hate having to wait for the Suprise." He states.

He isn't wrong. "How did you know that?" I question.

"I pay attention Stella, there are certain things I may not be able to read you on, but I know your personality and little quirks." He states.

"I guess you do." I say a smile finding its way to my face.

The chef walks through the door and places a bag of food in front of each of us. We grab them and then Asher leads me to the garage and over to the car we are taking to the airport. As we drive there nerves begin to fill my body and my leg begins to shake.

"Are you okay Hun?" He asks.

"I have never been on an airplane before, I am getting kind of nervous." I admit.

"There is nothing to be nervous about. The take off is defiantly a different feeling but I will be there with you and you can hold my hand the whole time okay?" He assures.

"Okay." I say.

He laces his fingers in mine and my nerves begin to dissipate. Asher is so good to me and a huge part of me feels like I don't deserve someone as kind and caring as him, but He makes me a better person and for that I am eternally grateful. He has seen me in some pretty down times of my life and has only continued to encourage me to do what is best for me. He gives me strength to continue through out the rough days and I will do my best to help him through any tough days ahead he has. Neither of us are perfect but somehow I feel we are perfect for each other. We pull up to the airport and he gets out, opening the door for me and holding his hand out for me. I take it and step out of the car. We walk over to the airplane and he motions for me to walk up the stairs. I take it one step at a time and when I finally board the plane I see how much space there is despite the plane appearing to be rather small from the outside.

"Good afternoon, Stella." The flight attendant says.

"Hi, is there any specific place I need to sit?" I question.

"You can sit anywhere you would like Miss." She informs.

I nod my head and walk over to a seat. I hear Archer talking but am so amassed by the plane I am on that the details of that conversation are nothing more than some random words that don't register.

"Hun, is everything okay?" Archer says and I turn to him his face holding concern.

"What? Sorry im okay, this is amaizing." I say.

"Yeah i guess it is nice isn't it?" He questions.

"How often do you use the plane?" I ask.

"Normally a few times a month but lately it has only been a few times the last few months. I normally like to fly to my potential clients, show how serious I am about everything, but most haven't been available more than a phone call."

"I am sure that makes, getting a deal set in stone kind of difficult." I say.

"It defiantly does, so when this client was finally able to meet in person I decided to make it happen. And I figured it would be good for you to be able to get away for a little bit." He says, sitting down on a seat.

I finally sit down and take in the surroundings a little more. Most of the interior of the plane is black except the seats which are grey. It ads a really nice contrast to the black. The two seats that Archer and I are sitting on are towards the front of the plane and behind those there are two grey sofa like benches.

"May I take your bags?" The flight attendant asks.

"Oh of course." I say, and Archer hands her his bag.

She walks away. "If you put on your buckle before take off and then once we are in the air we can move over to the couches if you would like." He informs.

"Okay." I say buckling myself in and Archer does the same.

He reaches his hand out and takes mine in his. His hands are warm and a little rough, but it brings me comfort. I smile up at him and the captain comes over the speaker system talking but as nerves take over I tune it out. The plane begins to move and I grip impossibly harder onto Archers hand. A small chuckle leaves his mouth and I look over at him through the side of my eyes to which he smirks. I roll my eyes at him and he squeezes my hand.

"It is going to be okay." He says.

"I know it is I also just don't like heights." I confess.

"That is understandable." He comments.

"Can you tell me something to distract me?" I question.

He is silent for a minute. "What do you want to know?" He asks.

"Anything, I feel like I don't know all that much about you and your past, how was your family life, past relationships, anything." I say kind of frantic as the plane picks up speed.

"Okay, Well I grew up with both my parents in the same house, if that was what you were referring to. I have a younger sister who I think you will absolutely love she is very girly and loves to go shoping so if you ever need a shopping buddy she will be over in ten minutes flat." He smiles.

"Hmm, I have a poor sense of direction which is why I have a driver, That also leads to me being late most of the time unless it has to do with a work thing. As far as relationships go I have been in a few relationships over the years, but none really stuck. Most of the time their true colors started to show after a few dates and I quickly learned most women wanted me simply for my money. When I would inform them I wasn't going to pay for everything the relationships quickly died." He says.

By the time he has finished we are in the sky and my nerves have dissipated. "Is that why you are so hard to read?" I joke.

"Yes. After having that happen a few time I just figured to act cold to people and that those who really want to know me will take the time to get to know me. It has aged me a lot of problems, I am not blind to the fact that I have a lot of female eyes on me but none of that attention matters to me."

"I mean that makes a lot of sense and is very understandable. I know how it is to not trust people easily and I know your line of work makes that difficult. Archer I really care about you and see a life with you. I know I can be difficult to work or be with but I appreciate everything you have done for me." I say.

"Stella you are beyond different from any other woman I have been with and that is a good thing. Stella I love you." He says.

It takes me a little bit by surprise but as I sit with that thought the more solidified the more I realize that I am in fact in love with him as well.

"I love you too Archer."

(Have deep conversation about Archers past/ life Stella is accepting and tells him she will be there to support him as much as possible.)

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