Chapter 7: Trap

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Indeed, the robots were only a few meters away from them. One of the robots, the one closest to them, stopped and raised its sword, ready to blast his weapon at the group of friends.

Bloom did the first thing she could think of. Instead of using magic, she pulled off her cloak and threw it at the robot, blinding it for a moment. It seemed puzzled, turning its metal head from side to side in confusion, making squeaky noises. They would have laughed if they hadn't been in such dire straits.

"Winx, Enchantix!" Bloom shouted.

The six fairies transformed, then leapt into the air just in time to escape the robot knights' attacks. Thankfully the fortress had a high ceiling. Stella joined them and they stood in a circle, back-to-back, to better observe the myriads of robots that continued to spring from the walls.

"Maybe we're safe here," Flora said, observing the robots as they continued to search for them on the ground. "Perhaps they can only fight on the gro..."

A sword flew in her direction, knocking the words out of her mouth. It had missed her by an inch.

"...You were saying?" Stella asked, raising an eyebrow.

Bloom's eyes darted between the swords flying in the air and the place where the corridor had disappeared a few minutes earlier. There had to be a way into the fortress, they just had to find it.

"Let's split up," The red-haired fairy announced, turning to her friends. "Musa and Tecna, you try to find the way into the fortress. Stella, you protect them from the robots, and while you're doing that, we'll try to slow them down!"

No one questioned her orders - they didn't have the time to do so anyway. The girls split up, each going their own way to eliminate as many robots as possible.

Aisha was the first to enter the fray. Landing on the ground, she used her powers to create a Morphix sword and shield. She dashed towards the robots, using her sword to slash through them and her shield to fend off their relentless attacks. For the first time in her life, she was grateful to her father for forcing her to learn sword fighting as a child. The fairy of waves proved to be terrifyingly effective, striking down more than twenty robots in just a few minutes without breaking a sweat.

Flora watched her friend in awe before deciding to attack as well. After a moment's reflection, wondering how she should proceed, she landed on the ground and pressed her hands against the stone tiles. The ground, which was already shaking because of the army of robots, began to shake even more. Suddenly, cracks opened in the stone, causing the machines to lose their balance and fall one by one with a deafening crash. Thick vines soon emerged from the cracks, wrapping around the robots, and crushing them like rubbish.

Back in the air, Musa and Tecna were desperately searching for the route to follow on Tecna's map, but nothing was showing. There was simply no way to get deeper into the fortress from here... and yet, they were in the lobby, which had to be the entrance to the rest of the castle. Tecna scanned the room repeatedly, but to no avail. The only exits shown on her map were the windows and the front door which led to the outside. Musa was starting to get restless beside her.

"Come on, Tecna, dammit! There has to be a door, a secret passage, I don't know, something!"

Tecna looked up from her map, offended. "I'm doing what I can! If you have a better idea, I'm all ears!"

Musa was about to reply when a sword grazed her wings, making her completely forget what she was about to say. Her gaze fell on Stella, who had been tasked with protecting them. Despite her powerful attacks, the blonde fairy was having a hard time holding back the onslaught of robots coming at them. There were far too many of them for her to handle alone, not to mention the fact that she had been greatly weakened by the teleportation spell from earlier. The Sun and Moon Fairy was sweating profusely, completely overwhelmed by what was happening. It wouldn't be long before she ran out of power.

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